I hate it when a book seems like it's teeming with potential and then completely lets you down. Captain Freedom had it's moments, but overall it suffered from lack of plot and a generally unlikeable main character. His charades are amusing at first but then they just become frustrating and a bit predictable. The author embraced some of his opportunities to use our obsession with superheroes to shed light on larger cultural issues, but they were few and far between. This book just felt like an opportunity that was flubbed. Great concept, poor execution. Captain Freedom isn't an amazing book - it's quirky and random, has some good jokes and some not-so-good, but was a quick fun read.In a world where superheroes are supposed to fit into certain molds - Captain Freedom is Jewish and he has no origin story, a penchant or fashion design and the power to predict the weather - not exactly your stereotypical hero.Hijinks ensue, souffle is burnt, Area 51 is a club for aliens, etc.If this sounds like something right up your alley - I would definitely recommend it. If you're on the fence about reading it, it's probably not worth your time.
Do You like book Captain Freedom (2009)?
not funny. and really stupid. interesting plot, but it just isn't well executed.