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Capitol Hell (2012)

Capitol Hell (2012)

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159298536X (ISBN13: 9781592985364)
Beaver's Pond Press

About book Capitol Hell (2012)

I like chick lit books, but this was really, REALLY bad writing. Unbearable, in fact. Exclamation points everywhere (and I love exclamation points!) to the point of distraction, unvaried vocabulary, and yes, I get it, you're from the Midwest and everyone from there is also a god-send. I wanted a book about capitol hill drama, but it was not even an interesting story. I only read the first few chapters and skimmed the rest. Awful!!! Capitol Hell tells the story of Allison Amundson, a small town girl who lands the highly sought after job of scheduler to the newly-elected and rising star of the US Senate, Senator Anders McDermott III. If you thought politics is all fundraisers and colored balloons, think again. Don’t think Hollywood; think hell. Allison has grandiose dreams at the outset. But her meteoric rise from South Dakota to Pennsylvania Avenue doesn’t quite work out the way she envisaged it. Life on the Hill is far more banal than she expected. From rescuing moldy laundry, to picking out lingerie for the boss’s pampered wife; from late nights to excruciatingly early morning starts; from petty office politics to full-blown office warfare; from sticking campaign labels onto water bottles to the inevitable humiliation of a missing “l” in the word “public,” Allison and her love-struck friend Janet fumble through an exhausting campaign trail, and discover the ultimate truth about their boss—perception isn’t always reality.Based on the true-life experiences of authors Jayne Jones and Alicia Long, the book give readers a glimpse into what life is really like inside of the beltway. Capitol Hell is a witty novel about the crazy co-workers, high maintenance politicians, and the over-the-top entourages that only a political insider gets to see. Written with a humorous and irreverent style, sometimes a little saucy, the political behind-the-scenes antics will have you laughing (and wondering!). Allison and her sidekick Janet are well-rounded characters, as are the various co-workers that join the fray. The true-life experiences of the authors add that unmistakable ring of truth to sometimes downright strange occurrences. It is less a story with a dedicated plot line and more a series of anecdotes linked together. However, still very enjoyable.First reviewed for Readers Favorite

Do You like book Capitol Hell (2012)?

So badly written, dumb storyline, wannabe Devil Wears Prada. Why did I even read this crap?! Ugh.

DNF. Just couldn't get through it without falling asleep.

Not the best, wouldn't recommend.


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