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Can't Sleep Without Sheep (2010)

Can't Sleep Without Sheep (2010)

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4.11 of 5 Votes: 5
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0802720668 (ISBN13: 9780802720665)
Walker Childrens

About book Can't Sleep Without Sheep (2010)

So fun! I love it. A perfect one to add to the preschool bedtime theme I'm planning--and much more fun than the other things I was coming up with. I love the different animals who were trying. The illustrations are quite humorous. Should be fun to try.3/20/13 & 3/21/13: Fabulous. The kids were into in and the parents loved it. Both times it took until the page with the chickens for them to get hooked, but after that they were all for it. The larger Wed. group seemed to miss something; perhaps not being able to see the illustrations as well? I don't know. But the Thu. group really got into it. I also remembered to have them stampede along with the buffalo on that day. But both groups enjoyed the part of the animals getting impatient when I asked them to tell me what animals they saw. There were so many and they loved seeing all the different ones. Everyone liked the ending, even if the parents got it better than the kids.9/17/14 Parents loved this. The kids liked the pictures and different animals. Might not have quite grasped the concept, but it worked. I don't think my 4-year-old quite understood the whole concept behind counting sheep but he still enjoyed the book. He liked seeing what each animal planned to do.Anna can't sleep so her mom told her to count sheep. The sheep had to jump the fence so many times that they finally stopped from being exhausted. They told Anna they would find her a replacement. They tried horses (too much fun), chickens (couldn't fly over the fence), pigs (wanted to stop to snack), and the cows (crashed through the fence). Soon many different animals were lining up to audition including penguins, hippos, buffalo, flamingos, armadillos, and beavers. A stampede began. Anna realized she would never get to sleep. The sheep realized they couldn't be replaced.

Do You like book Can't Sleep Without Sheep (2010)?

Funny. Beautifully illustrated. Great bed time story for kids.

I love this book! It's so exciting to read to your children.

Darling book! Loved it and the cleverness!

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