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Cannibals And Evil Cult Killers: The Most Unthinkable And Heinous Crimes (2006)

Cannibals and Evil Cult Killers: The Most Unthinkable and Heinous Crimes (2006)

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0316732532 (ISBN13: 9780316732536)
little, brown & co.

About book Cannibals And Evil Cult Killers: The Most Unthinkable And Heinous Crimes (2006)

Having "Evil" as a description in the title and the subtitle, "The most unthinkable and heinous crimes" and subheading "The darkest, innermost secrets of cannibals and evil cult killers are revealed" brings into question the integrity of this book and makes plain its purpose as a source of income for the author and publisher rather than a serious work about cannibals and cult killers. The entries in the book provide a good starting point for further research; but is a poor reference for any paper or book one may be working on. There are more informative and likely more reliable articles on Wikipedia about the crimes recounted in this book. This book is full of spelling and grammatical errors, lacks a bibliography and there are no citations whatsoever letting the reader know where the author gathered his information about the crimes. And if all of that isn't enough to make one question the veracity of the listings in this book, the author refers to the "late Jimmy Carter" even though Mr Carter is still very much alive. If the author makes that large of an error, one can not help but question what other facts he got wrong.If you're doing any serious research, skip this book as the author can not be trusted.

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