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Called To Coach: The Life, Faith And Career Of College Football's Most Popular Coach (2010)

Called to Coach: The Life, Faith and Career of College Football's Most Popular Coach (2010)

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1439195978 (ISBN13: 9781439195970)
Howard Books

About book Called To Coach: The Life, Faith And Career Of College Football's Most Popular Coach (2010)

Perhaps I am biased, but I LOVE Bobby Bowden! This book was a reminder why. He's such a caring and kind soul who has touched so many lives. While preachy at times, the book illustrated why he was so compelled to coach and what he feels his purpose was and still is. I was amazed at what he has been through over the years and he addressed his decisions at various points in his career. Right away he addressed being asked to step down as the head coach for FSU and I certainly walked away with a bad taste in my mouth, especially after reading and learning how much he did for FSU's football program. I enjoyed learning about the early years of FSU's football program and about all the players he came in contact with. There was so much I was unaware of. This book made me yearn for the beginning of college football season but also gave me much more pride for where I've come from. I'm proud to be a Seminole and certainly proud that Bobby was coach for many of the years I called FSU home! I recommend this book if you love college football! This book is full of sports platitudes. I found it somwhat interesting. Bowden began the book by talking about his firing. He said the next day began like every other day in his 61 year marriage. He got up and made coffe then his wife joined him for an hour of reading through the Bible then a time of prayer. He constantly affirmed throught the book that his career was a team of both he and his wife. She went with him on ever job interview and concurred on each change. I like it when men include their wives in their lives. Two important statements are: "A man's reputation is what others say of him; a man's character is what God knows about." "I have always known that there were unseen eyes watching me."

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the definition of intgrity is what you do and how you act when no one is looking.

Bobby's life in football is an influential one. I have great respect for him.

Excellent read.

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