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Call Me Burt (2012)

Call Me Burt (2012)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 3
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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Call Me Burt (2012)

Should be a cute light read, but doesn't work for me.There's way too much dog-talk, the dog talks more than the humans which made it more annoying than cute/funny.I couldn't get to grips with the characters.Jackson's father has just died, his dog is stinky, he's just broken up (badly?) with an ex, he has a tendancy to run to the town 'bike', he's previously crushed on a straight guy with a nasty conclusion. That's just way too much going on for a short story and my head started spinning when we then also have a scarred war dog, a presumably (I stopped at this point) dead ex, don't ask don't tell...When they meet up at the doggy get-together I was confused, he was going despite knowing he'd see his ex. Evan is the town 'bike' he runs to. He sees Evan there. So is Evan also considered the ex?Who or what is the bitch-in-law? By context it appeared at first to be his step-mother, but then it's stated she'd been hoping her husband would inherite. So obviously she was not married to the deceased, and if it's her husband that's inheriting not her directly that'd make her a sister-in-law? (I don't think people say aunt-in-law) but in that case why isn't Jackson's brother ever mentioned? His sister has been dismissed as having a life but no hide or hair of a brother!Felt to me like this was story notes, Austen setting out the bios ready to begin the actual story. It either needs to be extended so all the different aspects balance out, or simplified into a digestible short. Some of the doggie thoughts are cute/mildly funny but I mostly find them distracting. Maybe I just don't care what a dog is thinking. He meets vet. Lists after vet. Goes to hook up with town whore to stop thinking about vet. Runs into vet. Goes home with vet. One says hes lonely other says he's scared. The end. If you're optimistic it's a happy for now. Lots and lots of vague details given or briefly mentioned but bother was ever developed. Overall just way too much going on for such a short story. Got recently dead dad. War hero. Stinky dog. Recent and bad breakup though no real details given. He has habit going to town whore then regrets it, from the vague details the dog gives. The dogs talk more than the people 2.5 stars

Do You like book Call Me Burt (2012)?

This story was really funny. I loved Burt and his internal dialogue. Very cute and enjoyable.

Awesome story. Super cute. Loved the dog commentary. Would have loved for there to be more.

Very very funny! Loved it

3.5 stars

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