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Cain's Book (1993)

Cain's Book (1993)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 5
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0802133142 (ISBN13: 9780802133144)
grove press

About book Cain's Book (1993)

Trocchi’s final and most fêted work (apart from the odds-and-ends poetry shambles, Man at Leisure, also republished by Alma Classics), is a fragmented and not entirely unpretentious novel-of-sorts that seems to be more of a deeply psychological exploration of the author’s uncompromising outsider’s worldview than any sort of seminal “drug” novel as labelled by most, including Burroughs. The drug use is a mere fact of life and incidental to the more interesting business of what this scow-dwelling author-substitute Joe Necchi (the protagonist of Young Adam was named Joe and worked on a scow too) has to say about his Glaswegian upbringing (the father/son scenes are the kernel of the novel and Freudians needn’t look too smug about their implications) and his life of perpetual drift (although Necchi like Trocchi isn’t free from relationship obligations). The work is compelling despite occasional lapses into intellectual waffle (i.e. pseudo-philophastering) and unlike most “drug” lit, no doubt stands up to multiple readings and offers a greater depth (minus perhaps the trendier scenes with Trocchi and his lowlife mates) than works by his scuzzier contemporaries (i.e. Burroughs). An excellent work—one we must label (if we must label at all) a “masterpiece,” since Alexander rebelled against the obligation to write until his death. If only writers of lesser talent would rebel against that obligation—we may have less whiffy bookstores.

This book is supposed to be something of a cult novel about drug addiction, but I must say I don't see the appeal. I enjoyed the parts of the book with more plot and story, like the memories of his father and his interactions with other junkies, but I was bored every time Trocchi waxed poetic about his drug use. As a person who tends more towards plot and story, I can see why this book may appeal to someone else, but not to me. Many people praise the language and his power of description, which have never been what made a book great for me. Trocchi has often been compared to Burroughs, but I must say I prefer Burroughs to this.

Do You like book Cain's Book (1993)?

A remarkable novel by just about any standard. Forget those who say it's about addiction: It is not. It is rather an honest attempt to place a troubled and rebellious human consciousness into a literary space between the many false value systems offered it by all of the anti-existentialist power structures: the ethos of the capitalist religion of work, the moralist conformity of marriage, and all of the modern bourgeois and patriotic constructions of place, of nationality, of sexual mores, of class and societal roles (husband, worker, citizen); as well as the various social, state, and religious institutions that legitimize all of our multiform willful slavery to structure and to those that the structure supports, in all of its multifarious forms of conformity and acquiescence. Our protagonist, Joe Necchi, opts for words, heroin and, primarily, play as models for escape from and the rejection of the world's labels and expectations--each strategy presents itself, to greater and lesser degrees, as a tragic insufficiency perhaps, but they are all-too-logical and at least temporarily consoling actions in the face of the mind-numbing conformity that is still with us in the modern materialistic pseudo-Christian nation-state. I can think of no more important or pointed social novel to read from the last century.
—Lee Foust

I don't remember feeling this torn on how many stars to rate a book on here. I'm going with 4 stars for now because I did enjoy it enough to read it within a 24 hour period. At various points as I read, I thought it might be anywhere from 1 star to 5 stars. I was so angry by the time I was done at the wasted potential. I felt like it could have been so much better than it was. I loved the first half but didn't feel like the second half really added much to the book. In some ways, I thought it was brutally honest in a very refreshing way, and in others I felt like he was believing his own lies. I think I kept hoping for more insights. I did think the book stands up very well to the test of time. Other than a little bit of slang, it didn't seem that dated to me. It still felt really relevant to read.

It is indeed. Trocchi was highly regarded in the 50's and 60's. Not sure if he's read as much today, but he ought to be. His Young Adam is also teriffic.

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