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Cage's Bend (2006)

Cage's Bend (2006)

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3.13 of 5 Votes: 3
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0446696293 (ISBN13: 9780446696296)
grand central publishing

About book Cage's Bend (2006)

I was unfamiliar with this author, just came across the book in the public library. Parts of the novel, especially at the beginning, are pure brilliance. The ideas there are fresh and the writing is nearly poetic. The funniest and most outrageous scenes are near the beginning. There were several lines throughout the novel that made me stop and say, "Wow, I never thought of it that way." Where it's good, it's profoundly good. The two main characters, Cage and Harper, become less interesting as they grow from boys to middle-aged, mostly because they don't really even begin to act like adults until middle age. By the time it starts to happen, you're almost past caring. They each have psychiatric disorders but lack the reflective wherewithal to grapple with those issues in a way that would make their stories compelling. I sort of wished they'd been minor characters in a book about others in their family. The point of view is distinctly southern and male, which wouldn't have been a bad thing in this case if the female characters had been given some importance other than their ability to rescue Cage and Harper.Still, I was mightily impressed with Coleman's ideas and the way he puts words together. If he publishes another book, I'll read it.

This book was one that was recommended by the book group that I subscribe to via the Berkeley Public Library.If you enjoyed Wally Lamb's "I Know This Much Is True" than you would likely enjoy this book as well.The Rutledge family is a classic southern family, where the patriarch is a minister and a very demanding father. After the tragic death of one of three sons, Cage and Nick are left to make their way to adulthood under their father's critical eye. Nick finds success, but not happiness, while Cage appears happy and free-spirited, only to discover he has darker mental issues. The family struggles to help Cage to take care of himself as well as to take care of their individual selves. This rich story pulls at your heart and may even cause you to reflect on people in your own lives.

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