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Bunnies And Batteries (2013)

Bunnies and Batteries (2013)

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3.19 of 5 Votes: 4
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Evernight Publishing

About book Bunnies And Batteries (2013)

As soon as I saw the dedication I started smiling knowing this wouldn't be your everyday short story. The guy, Clay, seems like he was created to be a great guy. As she said "He wouldn't stare at her like most people would" most people do stare because they feel it is their right to know what is going on with someone especially a stranger who is acting "Strange" to them. So far I am loving this book I hope as I get further in it gets better and better. It would so suck to be here to have that bad of Panic Attacks... I couldn't imagine it. I am guessing she was NOT expecting that from them huh? LMAO!! OMG this is going to be great.... He let the dog inside LOL. well even for a short this had an abrupt ending. it had potential the plot was actually decent and the sex scenes couldve been good but the language was awkward. it went from cunt to penis is the same line. Im not opposed to vulgarity though i dont particularly like the word cunt and i also dont mind authors taking a shyer approach but mixing them makes it just...weird. And the end was a little abrupt i wouldve like a couple more pages to give it closure. not a total waste of time but i wont read again

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I don't know why I read this.. Too short, not enough story.

Makes me want to see about getting some toys...

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