About book Brownie Groundhog And The February Fox (2011)
Brownie Groundhog and the February Fox is a beautifully illustrated and lively story about three animal friends. The language sparkles and the story moves along at an appropriate pace for a young audience. It is a perfect February read to celebrate Groundhog Day and winter. Many areas of the early childhoodcurricula could be incorporated around this book. I discovered it a little late for this year, but readers can consider it for next winter. Enjoy. This is a story about groundhog waking up on February 2, disappointed to see that it will be 6 more weeks of winter. A fox comes along and asks if it is spring yet. Groundhog says the fox will have to wait. The rest of the story is about the fox wanting to eat the groundhog, but having to wait- first for lunch, then groundhog distracts him with ice skating, then since the fox missed lunch, he has to wait for dinner. A cute story about the fox being tricked but the groundhog turning back to help. The illustrations are in a dark gray in rust color, but perfectly match the mood. I love when fox uses his tail to sweep the snow off the ice. This is one I will purchase for the library. I may even read it for Groundhog day to kindergarten..... if I buy my own copy now.
Do You like book Brownie Groundhog And The February Fox (2011)?
Notes:very cutegroundhog outsmarts the fox in a friendly waynice illustrations
The colors were a little too muted for my taste.
Good book for Groundhog Day for older children.