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Broken Bonds (2012)

Broken Bonds (2012)

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3.59 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Broken Bonds (2012)

Oh, I soooo wanted to like this one. The writing was excellent, except some editing errors. The characters different and interesting. My biggest issue was Kellen. I felt like his change was too easily done. It didn't seem realistic at all. The ending also wraps up too easy. There didn't seem to be a realistic conclusion to the whole of the story line either. I think this could have been a great story if the effort went into creating a realistic character with Kellen and the ending. This book. I admit right off the bat that Kellen is a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad Dom. Like 0/10 do not recommend. But Haven is just *sigh*. You can't help but love him and want him to be happy after all he's suffered. And that just makes you MORE upset with Kellen. Confession: I have a thing for stories where one party hurts the other badly and must win back their love. They are like my crack. With this one though it hits on a complaint I have with those type of stories: The offending party not having to work nearly hard enough to win back their partner. Kellen should have had to jump through flaming hoops of fire and crawl over broken glass just to get a CHANCE to POSSIBLY win Haven back. It just came way too easy and after the horrific way he acted it upset me that Haven was THAT forgiving THAT quickly.But this book hit so many of my buttons that it earned a spot on my favorites shelf.

Do You like book Broken Bonds (2012)?

Loved this one. The combination of sweet love story, emotion and heat was very well done!

This whole story is more or less a glorification of abusive relationships.

Rating 3.5

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