About book Bringing Up Geeks: How To Protect Your Kid's Childhood In A Grow-Up-Too-Fast World (2008)
I enjoyed this book and agree with much of the advice in the book. However, just because I agree with it doesn't mean I thought this was a well written book. My major problem with it is the sheer number of times the author said she wasn't an expert. It started to make me wonder why I should listen to her at all. Much of the book seemed to be convincing the reader that this was a good idea and not enough time explaining what it actually means to implement it. Too many of the examples and stories were about the author's kids. It would have been nice if, as she kept implying, other parents were following this advice that there were examples from all these other families. The short asides in parentheses got tiresome and ceased to be cute after the first chapter or so. All that said, there are bits of valuable advice and ideas throughout. The tips at the end of each chapter seem useful and are handily broken down by age. I found myself agreeing with many of the general principles discussed here, but it could have been more concise and somewhat less opinionated. In some chapters, there was just too much ranting about or pointing out examples of bad behavior, rather than discussing ways to deal with it (i.e., chapters on bad manners and over-reliance on technology). More suggestions about managing or balancing kids tech (which for better or worse is here to stay) rather than so much contempt for it would have been helpful. The second half of the book was better, where there was more about interacting as a family and engaging with kids who are somewhat older. Definitely some good ideas and tactics here, but the author is quite opinionated and tends to drive her points home pretty aggressively. Perhaps referencing other sources or research would make it stronger and more convincing.
Do You like book Bringing Up Geeks: How To Protect Your Kid's Childhood In A Grow-Up-Too-Fast World (2008)?
It was ok. Always good to get tips on ways to deal with technology. Still a lot was just review.
Great title, and what it suggests sounds like a good idea to me!
Add this book to my list of "must-have" books for parents!
I did enjoy this book. Overall, it was a very good read.
Great--I say "amen" to everything in this book!