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Bringing Elizabeth Home: A Journey Of Faith And Hope (2003)

Bringing Elizabeth Home: A Journey of Faith and Hope (2003)

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3.51 of 5 Votes: 3
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0385512147 (ISBN13: 9780385512145)

About book Bringing Elizabeth Home: A Journey Of Faith And Hope (2003)

A nice book detailing how the kidnapping and rescue of Elizabeth Smart played out for the Smart family. Their faith and how it helped them was a key part of their story, and you get a sense that they would like to share that hope, peace, and healing with others.I would say it wasn't a spectacular book (perhaps the rating is more a three, but the subject matter brings it up). The relationships we have with our families and loved ones, and the deep fears many of us have that these kinds of terrible things do happen made it more interesting. The emotional connection many of us had to the ongoing news story at the time made it all more personal. I remember watching in awe several times as Ed Smart once again confidently proclaimed on the news that he believed his daughter was alive, and pleaded with people to continue praying for her and watching for her. Every time he said this, I felt that he was probably living on a hope that was only that... a desperate hope, but maybe, possibly his confidence was based on heavenly inspiration. And since there was something so confident and persistent... each time he would ask for prayers on Elizabeth's behalf, I would renew my own prayers for her and for her family... that if she was alive God would help her through her ordeal... and that if she wasn't that her body could be found and her family and loved ones experience closure. Having prayed for her that way several times, it felt so amazing to see her found... one of those unforgettable life moments (Where were you when Pres. Reagan was shot?, Where were you when the Challenger space shuttle blew up? Where were you when you heard that Elizabeth Smart was found?... probably a much more significant memory for residents of Utah). It was truly nothing less than a miracle, and a beautiful thing to see Elizabeth flourish after going through so much... a true testament to the value of faith and hope, and our LDS belief that Christ can help us heal from anything.

I listened to this because Elizabeth's story is coming out and I wanted to familiarize myself with the events. I thought it was well written. Her parents are AMAZINGLY strong and put an AMAZING amount of trust in the Lord. If this were to happen to one of my children I would curl up into a ball and die..truly!! For non-LDS people their faith may seem extreme or radical, but it is the way we are taught and I know that they used that strength to help bring Elizabeth home and to be able to actually function and to not let their other kids suffer more than they already were. Some of the details were a little drawn out like the Megan's Law stuff but I can see why they put it in there because they feel it is one of the miracles that have come from this experience. It kind of seems like a glorified sacrament meeting talk, but I did enjoy it and found myself going through the same emotions that I did when all these events actually happened. I knew they found her but was bawling when they described the reunion. The readers voices didn't seem to match the faces of Ed and Lois Smart but they still did a good job being calm and soothing while telling this harrowing tale. I look forward to reading Elizabeth's story when it comes out.

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The audio book for this was discounted to about 2 dollars and it looked like it could be interesting, and perhaps deep, so I bought it. I have never wanted to burn anything so much in my life. The whole C.D. was complete trash. It is people like this that give religion a bad name. With prolific Christian writers out there such as C.S. Lewis, it's amazing that such trash as this gets read or listened to by anyone. If you want to make yourself sick, or if you have suicidal tendencies and need something to push you over the edge, pick this up.

The first 20 pages were seriously nothing but God-gushing. I'm mean, absolutely nothing but that. I've got no problem with or against any religion by I certainly didn't pick up the book wanting to know what a perfect, devout, Mormon family they were. In the opening of the book, they flat out say there won't be any details of Elizabeth Smart's kidnapping. I respect that choice of hers but it immediately lessened my desire to read the book. I wanted to learn the full family experience. So. This book just wasn't what I was expecting.

After reading "My Story" by Elizabeth Smart I was curious about the parents perspective. I found this at the library. It was written just a short time after the kidnapping and had a lot of feeling in it. I thought they put the story together a bit choppy but it was interesting to read how things developed from their side. I am thankful that Elizabeth was able to come home and that she has had a happy life thus far. It is a miracle. It made my heart ache for all the children who are abused and taken from those who love them. I wish these terrible things never happened, but they do. And we grow from our trials. The Smarts were full of faith and that helped them get through it all. I think it is wonderful they are doing their best to help other families.

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