Summary: This is a simple, easy to read text that gets right to the point. In context, birds are all unique and different in their own way. The author uses a simple, rhyming text to show the differences between birds in a fun way. This book shows children that birds come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and also do amazing things! Children will get a look at birds that they are familiar with as well as exotic (new) birds that they never saw before.Personal Response/Critical Response: This would be a great book to use in a Kindergarten classroom when first introducing birds to your students. It’s simple and to the point but also is fun and intriguing to young learners. I also believe they children respond quite well to rhyming texts because they are very catchy and entertaining—alluring to the ear. Description of Illustrations: I love the illustrations used in this book. They are simple just like the text. Although they are simple, I like this. I like this because children can relate to these drawings and feel like they can draw like this too or close to it. The illustrations are bright and bold, crisp, and clean.Classroom Connections: I will use this book to introduce birds in my classroom—it’s simple. After reading this book aloud to my classroom, I will have my students either draw their favorite bird or make up a bird that they find interesting—using their creativity. Under each picture, they will write something that that bird does or something interesting about the bird in how it looks. This activity will relate back to the book but also engage your students in art and literacy and using their own creativity. This book is perfect for a young child interested in animals and nature. Between the bright and detailed illustrations and the melodic rhyming scheme, this book should keep a child's interest for a long time.The text is simple enough for children and any unclear words are illustrated clearly in the text (e.g. "swooping birds" is complimented with a swooping owl). The flow of the words is very natural. The words can almost be sung as easily as they can be read. Susan Stockdale's interest in science and accuracy means that all the pictures are scientifically accurate. All of the plants and birds in a single picture all cohabit the environment pictured. The back of the book has factual blurbs about each bird and a list of resources that Stockdale used to complete the book.
Do You like book Bring On The Birds (2011)?
Simple text and big, bright and bold images won this bird watcher over!
Love the illustrations. Highlights a variety of birds.