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Brides Of Blood (1995)

Brides of Blood (1995)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 1
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0380722585 (ISBN13: 9780380722587)
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About book Brides Of Blood (1995)

A young woman is found dead in Tehran and Darius Bakhtiar is called to investigate her murder. He doesn't get far when the Komiteh – Iran's moral authority – pressures him to drop the case because the girl is considered a prostitute and unworthy of an investigation. But the circumstances surrounding the girl's death are a mystery begging to be solved, and when another woman turns up dead Darius realizes he is on to something much bigger than a dead prostitute. He quickly finds himself on the hunt for a massive amount of heroin, a chemical warfare agent, and the lone surviving member of the Brides of Blood – a band of women prepared for martyrdom – who may be the key to solving the mystery.Read my full review at

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