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Braveheart (1995)

Braveheart (1995)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 3
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0671522817 (ISBN13: 9780671522810)
pocket books

About book Braveheart (1995)

Great. As far as movie adaptations go this was pretty good. Great movie Braveheart and just as good as a book. Nice detail to the characters from William Wallace and especially Princess Isabella. My guess over this adaptation is that it was based on a early draft of Randall Wallace's script. Little quirks such as Hamish punching William as a form of affection, the rearrangement of scenes, additional scenes that were probably never filmed or remain on the deleted scenes of a DVD/Blu-Ray release.The story itself is based on historical fact although is grossly inaccurate but I recall from the making of Braveheart from Randall Wallace that the stories of William Wallace were exaggerated even in his time, the tales of Blind Harry which include the 7ft tall, lightning-bolts from his arse bit. Its the same with other heroes like Davey Crockett. Overlook these details and you get a pretty good story of Romance and Heroism and that is not fiction.Wonderful! B+

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