About book Brag!: The Art Of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It (2004)
This was one of the books recommended in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, and it's right along the same lines, but it focuses specifically on self-promotion. It might just as easily have been called How to Talk So Employers Will Listen and is full of "bragologues" to give you the gist. Here are the keys to a good bragologue: (1) tell it like a story (2) be enthusiastic about the subject and (3) sprinkle in your contribution to it along the way.Here's my sample bragologue: "I never thought of myself as a numbers/accounting person; I was decidedly a word person. But my most challenging responsibility in my present job is to prepare estate tax returns. I was thrown into it, sink or swim, and not only did I learn to swim, I actually enjoy it. I like taking all those chaotic financial records the clients provide and turning them into a coherent report good enough for the eyes of the tax authorities. Basically, I enjoy the feeling of a job well done."Here's another. "My daily commute is an hour and a half each way, and I spend most of it reading. My tastes are pretty eclectic, not what you'd expect from a Hasidic woman. That's why I cite so many books in ordinary conversation. Reading is a big part of my life."So now you've got an inkling of what this book has to teach, and if you don't feel like reading the whole thing, you can go to the website at www.bragbetter.com and download the "Take 12" questionnaire. The book is a little repetitive, but I'm grateful for the bragologues. May Hashem help that I get to use a few in job interviews.
Bragging is an art and in this book Klaus explains how to shape bragging into a skill that can be used to for effective self-promotion. Many people have grown up thinking like Klaus, thinking that it was rude to talk positively about yourself to other people, and sure without some tact involved talking this way can come off as being narcissistic. In this book Klaus first guides the reader though the process of creating an unforgettable elevator speech which she refers to as a “Bragalogue” and a “Brag bag” which are a few of a person’s greatest achievements told in a way that leaves the listener wanting more. Klaus then goes on to explain how to brag in different environments including, in and out of the office, online, job interviews and performance reviews. The book has a good balance between providing explanations for why she recommends doing something, examples backing up her suggestion, and ways to apply the suggestion to a particular situation. She is also very clear throughout the book that good self promotion is individualized and cookie cutter statements or ideas do not work. Sh encourages and provides guidance to the reader in finding ways to promote themselves as effectively as possible. For individuals who are quiet or downplay their achievements this book is a must read.“Brag doesn’t have to be a distasteful four-letter word. Someone who is effective at self-promotion brags in a way that isn’t obvious to others, and doesn’t come across as too self-serving.”
Do You like book Brag!: The Art Of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It (2004)?
This book is a quick read, full of mostly common sense. But it is a good reminder to present a positive version of yourself to others. And if you really took it to heart, there are good specific instructions for how to do that. The anecdotes are all very realistic. The one thing that bothered me about the layout of the book is the frequent call-out boxes of random tips that are stuck right in the middle of sections and have no bearing on the current discussion. This may already be fixed in a more recent edition.
Peggy Klaus is really going out of her way and answered every question that someone needs to know about self-promotion. The structure the finesse the delivery the purpose and the pitfalls are all beautifully displayed for you in this book. There are some companion surveys which when answered first make the book solidify even more. Probably the most interesting tidbit I got out of this book is why I should talk about my personal hobbies with clients (I didn't think i had to I thought they were mine personally) to connect with them on a human level as opposed to a static this is what I offer approach.
—Rashan Moore
How to access your Higher self to present your best self and present your skills to any employer. Peggy Klaus has a great way of teaching how to present your skills and successes to grow in your work environment. I found it a little to pushy at first but this book would work well for anyone in a cutthroat environment where achievements will be recognized. How to formulate brag bites and bragalogues.Bringing your authentic best self to every interaction both personally and professionally is at th