About book Boy In A Band (A Morgan Mallory Story) (2010)
This book was unexpected to say the least. I didn't expect to be sent back on a journey with these people, and I didn't expect to be sent back to my younger years either. I related to the characters in this story from the beginning and fell in love with them. I didn't expect to feel, to feel every emotion while reading this book. It has left me wondering about choices I made throughout my life... the right ones, the wrong ones and the choices I didn't make at all. I loved this book, it made me feel and I am still feeling the effects this book had on me. Read the book, take the journey you won't regret it. This is not a happily ever after love story but it is a love story non the less!!Well this book was nothing like i had imagined. Set in the 70's it follows the close childhood friendship and ensuing on/off relationship of Morgan and Mathew. There are a rollercoaster if highs, lows and everything inbetween. This is the first book in a series but doesn't end on a cliff hanger and in my oppinion it concludes well enough that if you didnt want to read anymore it could stand alone.In some parts i wasnt 100 percent comfortable with some of the content of the plot as it follows the charcters from a young age and there are sexual & drug experimentaions. But once i finished the book and looked back it was relevant to the story and i dont think it was just for the shock factor.I really felt a connection with Morgan and her attempts to navigate and deal with her ever evolving life and experiences. As for mathew, i hated to love him and loved to hate him! (Just like Morgan).This is not your typical happily ever after love story but is a love story non the less. Its a raw emotional read that has a very "real" feel to it. I will warn you now i had the tissues out for the last few chapters!! This is an honest review and if like me you it takes you a while to get into (i was about 30 something percent through) i would say stick with it and you won't be sorry. By the end i was gripped and emotionally invested in this story.I will warn you that i dont think this book is for the easily shocked/offended as it includes under age sexual encounters and drug experimentation. Although looking back this is all relevant and not just a shock tactic. If tou are looking for a gripping and emotional read them this book is deffinitely for you.
Do You like book Boy In A Band (A Morgan Mallory Story) (2010)?
This book hit home a little too much for me. An emotional roller coaster for sure.
Amazing and intense roller coaster ride. Beautifully written..loved it!