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Blue Mercy (2005)

Blue Mercy (2005)

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3.59 of 5 Votes: 4
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0743458087 (ISBN13: 9780743458085)
pocket star books

About book Blue Mercy (2005)

Pretty decent murder-mystery story. The author gave several suspects that could have committed the crimes, but didn't blantantly come right out and tell you which ones were wrong and which one was right. About 3/4 of the way through, though, it all started falling into place and pointed the way to the real killer. And from there it was a matter of how to stop him before he killed again.Kay Delaney is the detective star of this story, and I understand that this book is the first of three (so far) featuring her character. She's got her own hang-ups and mental demons to battle (of course! What kind of crime-fighter would she be if she didn't?), as well as a fellow D that she's got a romantic relationship with. I'm already looking forward to the next book to see where it takes her next!

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