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Black Hills (2009)

Black Hills (2009)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 1
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0399155813 (ISBN13: 9780399155819)

About book Black Hills (2009)

I jumped this up my massive pile of tbr's becuase I needed something to read for the Mystery/thriller and tea sweepstake. I actually started to panic when I started this because for the first part of the book the mystery element is very thin on the ground. It's about 100 pages in before the first body pops up and then it's not till around the 200 page mark that the crime fest begins. Okay maybe crime fest is to strong of a word. It sometimes feels more like a side story. The main feature of this book is the romance between Lil and Coop. I personally find nothing wrong with a romance story and I enjoyed this aspect of the book. I loved hearing about Lil's work on her wildlife refuge and everyone needs a cat called baby. And when the "hunt" did finally get underway, I guessed how baby would end it as soon as they let him out. This book is good but you will be disappointed if you are into the action packed crime novels, as it sometimes feels like that part of the plot was an afterthought. A very slow burner but worth a read. Setiap baca novel NR yg setebel ini gw pasti suka, krn karakter dan alur ceritanya terbangun & berkembang dengan sempurna. Cooper seorang anak laki2 yang terpenuhi secara material namun sangat kekurangan kasih sayang, terkaget2 ketika pertama kali dirinya "dihukum" utk menjalani musim panas di peternakan kakek neneknya yg jauh dari antah berantah. Namun disinilah ia bertemu dgn Lil, perempuan yg berbeda dari perempuan2 yg ia kenal selama ini. Maka dimulailah kisah cinta antara 2 anak remaja ini. Seiring perjalanan waktu mereka terpisah. Dan setelah 10 tahun menjauh akhirnya mereka bertemu kembali ketika Cooper memutuskan utk menetap. Lil yg memang masih mencintai Cooper tidak bisa menghindar dr pertemuan kembali itu.Kisah cinta dibuku ini teraja wajar dan pas. Cinta yg terbangun kembali setelah 10 tahun terpisah terasa pas dan lebih matang seiring bertambahnya usia kedua tokoh. Suspense-nya juga seru, walau pembunuhnya sudah diketahui sejak pertengahan buku, namun ga menghilangkan ketegangan yg ada dari "perburuan" mereka. Kisah tambahan antara Tansy dan Farley juga menarik utk dibaca. Apalagi ikatan antara Baby terhadap Lil tidak terkesan mengada2. Suka sekali dgn tipe novel seperti ini, sayang GPU jarang menerbitkan karya2 NR yg bertipe seperti ini, kalau sering pasti akan makin menambah koleksi novel2 yg gw punya. Mantablah, cocok gw kasih rating #4.

Do You like book Black Hills (2009)?

I listened to this one. It was a typical Robert's book. Perfectly good listening in the car.

ame la novela, aunque el final me pareció algo flojo y muy forzado :/

I enjoyed the story, and the setting.

A decent read with a little suspense.

Another great Nora Roberts book

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