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Big Sky Secrets (2013)

Big Sky Secrets (2013)

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0373778317 (ISBN13: 9780373778317)
Harlequin HQN

About book Big Sky Secrets (2013)

The final book in the series. Totally enjoyed it. Landry is obsessed with having more because of the way his childhood was. They were poor but his mom always put the boys first. His dad was a wanderer. He said he would never be like that. Ria fell in love with her husband but as the years went by & she couldn't conceive, one day her husband cheated on her. That was the downhill of the marriage. Only it finally ended in the line of fire. Two damaged souls finding its way together. The end with all the couples that were married over the series, were in the church. Linda Lael Miller brings a contemporary romance interlaced with humor. I loved this book. I can't remember this author writing a book I didn't love. Her stories have a way of pulling the reader into the story. Is it her well developed characters, sweet flowing plot or her excellent use of imagery? Actually it's all three pulled together. I would recommend this book to anyone.We meet Ria a young, widowed lady who moved to Parable County Montana after the death of her husband. she had always felt like and outsider in her own family so that coupled with the loss of her husband the decision to move was easy. She was more than ready for a fresh start.Unfortunately for her neighbor, Landry Sutton, is raising bison which love to visit her without an invitation. She met Landry shortly after moving in and though she found him extremely good looking, he was also very arrogant and unlikeable. Landry Sutton is a self made tycoon who along with his brother Zane purchased Hangman's Bend Ranch. After his amicable divorce and tiring of city life arrived at the ranch in hopes to reconnect with his brother. Of course arriving a year ago to less than idea circumstances he is still struggling with the decision to stay and become a rancher.

Do You like book Big Sky Secrets (2013)?

Another great easy read by LML, just love her books. In this one the girl got the guy...woohoo!

Another great Cowboy read about our friends in Parable Montana.

Very lame!

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