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Bet Me (2004)

Bet Me (2004)

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3.95 of 5 Votes: 2
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0312987854 (ISBN13: 9780312987855)
st. martin's paperbacks

About book Bet Me (2004)

4,5 betting stars from me. Bet me is one of those books you should read when your mood is down and you need something funny and relaxing in order to forget your problems. Bet me is definitely one of those books. Free of drama, without exaggerations all you have to do by reading it is to have fun with the adventures and the airs and graces of the main heroes. An absolutely entertaining book that all the fans of contemporary romance should read. You want a bet ?It is my first Jennifer Crusie book and may tell you that this woman really knows her job and how to put familiar heroes in her books you would definitely want into your life. Minerva Dobbs is definitely the girl you would like to be your best friend. Smart, intelligent, loyal friend always on a diet but a food lover with curves also ready to love her while eating a donut with passion or while talking like a human to her cat or while trying to solve her love issues. From the other hand Cal is the man of every girl’s dream. Successful, caring and mainly he loves girls who eat (girls eat free). I guess this is what made the book so good into my eyes. How real were all the characters including the secondary ones. They were so real that you could kill to be part of them, to be your family.Another thing I liked most was that apart from being hilarious has another great advantage. No sex scenes in order to fill the pages with. Cal and Minerva had a more real romance while in other books the main story relies into sex scene in order to gain the reader’s attention.Bet me is definitely a book that the fans of cotemporary romance should read. Hilarious, main characters with a great chemistry between them. Bet me is a book that teach us that we should accept ourselves exactly how we are No one can take that from us unless we let them. Min was being criticized for her weight, Cal was dyslexic. So what? If we choose to see the good in ourselves everyone’s life would be happier. Και μας και το βιβλίο κυκλοφορεί και στα ελληνικά να αφήσω και δυο κουβέντες στα ελληνικά. Όσοι με γνωρίζουν ξέρουν πόσο μου αρέσει να διαβάζω ρομαντικά βιβλία. Τα επιζητώ, τα ψάχνω ανάμεσα στα άλλα ειδικά σε στιγμές που δεν έχω και πολλά κέφια ή χρόνο και δε θέλω κάτι πολύπλοκο να ταλανίσει το μυαλό μου. Αν υπήρχε όμως ένας λόγος που τελευταία τα είχα λίγο σιχαθεί είναι γιατί είχα κουραστεί να διαβάζω βιβλία που η βασική τους δομή ήταν: Σεξ, σεξ, σεξ και λίγο σεξ για το κλείσιμο. Δεν ξέρω μάλλον ορισμένες συγγραφείς μας θεωρούν στερημένες λυσσάρες που διαβάζουμε μόνο τσοντοβιβλία όπως τα αποκαλώ και τίποτα άλλο. Όλα είναι στο πρόγραμμα έτσι και ακόμα και αυτά τα βιβλία έχουν την θέση τους και δεν τα κατακρίνω απλά δε με καλύπτουν. Αυτό λοιπόν που σε πρώτη φάση με κέρδισε με το στοίχημα ηταν ότι ΔΕΝ ήταν ένα ακόμα τέτοιο βιβλίο.Το στοίχημα είναι ένα άκρως διασκεδαστικό βιβλίο που διαβάζεται ευχάριστα και υπόσχεται να σας κάνει να γελάσετε μέχρι δακρύων με τα καμώματα των ηρώων του. Άλλο ένα στοιχείο που με κέρδισε στο βιβλίο είναι ακριβώς πόσο αληθοφανείς και γήινοι ήταν όλοι χαρακτήρες του βιβλίου, τόσο πολύ μάλιστα που ορισμένες φορές ήθελες να χωθείς μέσα στις σελίδες του βιβλίου και αυτομάτως να βρεθείς στο μπαρ που τα πίνουν και διασκεδάζουν ή να πάρεις μέρος στις κοριτσίστικες βραδιές των γυναικείων ηρωίδων και να φάτε μαζί ένα κουβά παγωτό αφού πρώτα έχεις εξομολογηθεί τους προβληματισμούς σου. Η κύρια ηρωίδα Μινέρβα Ντομπς θα μπορούσε να είναι η καλύτερη φίλη όλων μας. Έξυπνη, πνευματώδης, πιστή φίλη μονίμως σε δίαιτα όπως όλες (μπαμπάτσικη γαρ)αλλα και ταυτόχρονα λάτρης του καλού φαγητού και δε λέει ποτέ όχι σε ένα ντόνατ ειδικά όταν πρόκειται από τα χεράκια του αγαπημένου της. Από άλλη ο Καλ κορίτσια είναι ο άντρας των ονείρων μας. Η επιτομή της ομορφιάς, έξυπνος, πετυχημένος, ειλικρινής και το καλύτερο? Λατρεύει τις γυναίκες που τρώνε. Τόλμα να μη φας μπροστά του και θα σε μπουκώσει με ντόνατ μέχρι να πεις κύμινο. Πραγματικά Καλ θέλω να το τηλέφωνο σου εδώ και τώρα (εντάξει και μια σακούλα ντόνατ). Θεωρώ ότι το βασικότερο μήνυμα που θέλει να μας περάσει το βιβλίο είναι πόσο σημαντικό είναι να αποδεχόμαστε τους εαυτούς μας όπως είναι και κανείς δεν πρέπει να μας στερεί αυτό το δικαίωμα παρά μόνο αν του το επιτρέψουμε. Σημασία έχει πως ακόμα και το όχι και τόσο δυνατό μας σημείο εμείς καταφέρνουμε να το μετατρέψουμε σε πλεονέκτημα. Η Μινέρβα πέρασε τη ζωή της με το γύρω κόσμο να την κριτικάρει για το βάρος της ενώ ο Καλ ήταν δυσλεξικός και μεγάλωσε σε ένα κόσμο που δυσλεξικός σήμαινε χαζός και ηλίθιος. Και λοιπόν? Και οι δύο τα κατάφεραν περίφημα στη ζωή τους. Μέσα από το στοίχημα πέρα από την ιστορία αγάπης των ηρώων βλέπουμε τον αγώνα τους και κυρίως της Μιν για αυτοεκτίμηση και αποδοχή. Ένας αγώνας για την ευτυχία που είναι πάντα πιο εύκολος όταν βρεις το σωστό συνοδοιπόρο. Ένας άκρως διασκεδαστικό και ρεαλιστικό βιβλίο που θα σας φτιάξει τη μέρα. Πάτε στοίχημα? 

After reading this, I don’t think I’ll eat Chicken Marsala ever again. The heroine of this book ate Chicken Marsala in two different restaurants, twice for takeout, at a wedding, at a dinner with her friends and cooked it 4 times with different levels of success. I don’t know if there’s anything more boring than a person who never tries anything new (if I’d been the hero, I’d have stopped dating her just because of this.) I enjoyed the first part of the book – the humor was not over the top and the plot was wacky but not creepy. Then as the book progressed, I found two of my big pet peeves: adults that don’t confront their parents when they’re out of line and the demonizing of men. You see, I had a mother like Min’s so I totally understand what it is to live with constant criticism regarding my figure. But when I was in my 20s, I had a very firm chat with my Mom about it and told her I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior. Did my Mother stop completely? Of course not, but at least now it’s manageable and not humiliating like it used to be. And that’s why I cannot respect Min who at 33-years old, should not let her mother choose her hairdo, her clothes or the food she eats. I HATED how Cal was demonized because he dated a lot. He was so nice and thoughtful that women fell in love with him in droves and when he realized they were more serious than him, he would break up with them. The bastard! Doesn’t he know that once a woman falls in love with him, he owes her a ring no matter his feelings? He made them fall in love! It’s his fault! Because you know, women are little girls that cannot take responsibility for their own feelings and must get every man they want. **Throwing up now**Then the ending was so saccharine, I don’t think I’ll eat anything sweet for a month.The narration was good but I don’t think that Cal’s voice was distinctive enough. But what makes this narration really irritating is the author’s writing style. Almost every line of dialogue ends in ‘he said’ or ‘she said’ so after a while, I wanted to shoot myself. I had to speed up this book a lot, just to see if I could stop hearing ‘so and so said’ after every sentence.Because I liked the humor, I was thinking that I should give this author another shot, but then I thought that for the first time ever, an author has put me off food. If nothing else, that’s my clue that I should never read anything by this author again. She's liable to make me swear off bread or chocolate and THAT I couldn't stand.

Do You like book Bet Me (2004)?

As i was reading this book i was trying to place a proper "feeling" to it,because even though it was a romantic comedy it deals with a lot of current issues woman struggle with in our society. So, i will say what worked for me.- I was very pleased with the premise of the book.that is to say i loved that it was based on typical characters that you can relate with. I liked the way Crusie developed Min with her self stem issues, and the way they fitted in the story. She didnt try to change her, or do a make-over.. she needed to accept her self the way she was. I also liked her way of thinking, which balanced the other two friends .. Min was realistic if not perhaps a little sarcastic (which i particularly enjoyed) she saw life in a very practical way. The hero Calvin. I loved him!! he was flawed? yes.. womanizer by default?: perhaps.. emotionally dysfunctional?:definitely! But Cruise gave an excellent sneak peak for the root of his behavior and short comings. So i just loved him through the story!!- the camaraderie,between friends, the sincerity of the issues at hand ( dealing with self stem issues,both physically and emotionally from the all the characters) - Calvin`s refreshing honesty towards Min!! the bluntness yet caring way he spoke his mind. and the way Min didn't fought it,but rather made fun of it. - the dialog was fantastic!! so many punch lines, humorous remarks made this book a fun read!Now, the things that didnt click IMO:- It kept screaming chick flick movie all the time because it had such funny dialog but such mild steam or romance!! it was fun yes, but excuse my french ( it took 3/4`s down the book before they got laid!!) so that was a Meh for me. I wanted Min to work thru her issues with intimacy much earlier in the book..It could have added some depth to the story.- sometimes it went far to unrealistic.. too hasty, it jumped from one event to another.. even though the book wasn't rushed i felt their emotions were.- call me picky.. but im all about description.Well thats the pt of reading a book isnt it??I wanted to know how curvy Min was.. her height, dress size.. more detail... she was just "curvy" with curly hair.i love to make my own characters and dress them and the whole works,hence i need as many details as possible!! but she went too general for a character whose main issue was physical appearance.- SHOES! all right my last one here.. but.. Plastic shoes fashionable?? maybe i need a graphic on that one,but the description of Min`s shoes were like children`s footwear. (ok blame it on my imagination) but,plastic fish, cherries and flowers attachments...was beyond me.. dunno why Calvin was worked up on that..but i will give it a breakso, i went a little too picky because the story itself was really good!! I will definitely recommend it to those who love romantic comedies!!

This is going to be different from the reviews I normally write. Not so much a review as a personal note about accepting yourself and finding joy. Because this book is exactly about this: accepting your true self. If you want to listen to a wonderful Italian song, then search for “Al Bano & Romina Power” and the song “Felicitá” ( It’s one of my favorite love songs of all time. Love, not so much for someone else, but being able to enjoy yourself, being happy just drinking a glass of wine and eating “un panino”, being happy to hold hands and enjoy an amazing evening even if it’s just with yourself. Felicita e una spiaggia di notte l'onda che batte.La felicita e una mano sul cuore piena d'amore.La felicita e aspettare l'aurora per fario ancora.La felicita felicita.While reading this book I constantly listened to Al Bano & Romina Power and I went through my own pictures: Yeah, I am the “strawberries and cream” chick in the picture. I am no size 0 or anything comparable to “small”. And you know what: I don’t care. I know I can be sexy and sweet and beautiful in my own way. "Yeah," Min said dismissively. "So what am I supposed to do about my weight?" Cal put his fork down. "All right. Here's the truth. You're never going to be thin. You're a round woman. You have wide hips and a round stomach and full breasts. You're ..." "Healthy," Min said bitterly. "Lush," Cal said, watching the gentle rise and fall of her breasts under her sweatshirt. "Generous," Min snarled. "Opulent," Cal said, remembering the soft curve of her under his hand. "Zaftig," Min said."Soft and round and hot, and I'm turning myself on," Cal said, starting to feel dizzy. Be yourself, accept yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are dyslexic, too big, too small or simply weird. Live a little! Nobody can take happiness away from you, no high-strung mother, not your obnoxious friends if you don’t let them. This is what this book is about. Make life just a little bit happier. (And get a cat)

I needed this book! It seems as if all of the books I read lately are such intense reads. Bet Me was the perfect reprieve. From the first page, it was just so much fun! I mean, she introduces her "R rated pixie" friend on like page five. The intro scene is Min in a bar with her friends while her boyfriend is breaking up with her. It's obvious that she couldn't care less. That is, until she overhears the bet being made with the "Hunka hunka burnin' love" standing next to her new ex. Call is the perfect guy, which is not what Min wants or expects. Their courtship is full of unexpected many that they both get the feeling that fate is really weird. No one would have pictured them together, least of all themselves. But no matter how much they try to stay away, everything just seems to fall into place. Min is a typical woman in that she sees only the worst in herself physically. It takes awhile, but Cal unintentionally forces her to see her as she truly is. It was actually quite beautiful to see this part come about, because it was such a subtle change, but remarkable.Without sounding like the typical book cover review blip, I'll say this: Ms Crusie writes with such wit and passion and humor, I was literally smiling the entire time I read this book. Going on my love love love shelf!
—Duchess Nicole

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