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Beryl: A Pig's Tale (2010)

Beryl: A Pig's Tale (2010)

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3.58 of 5 Votes: 2
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0316044105 (ISBN13: 9780316044103)
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

About book Beryl: A Pig's Tale (2010)

I was expecting more of a fun tale. This one is the story of a pig who is a "pink pig" or a porker for market piglet. Her name is Beryl and she lives in a concrete pig sty. Her aunt takes a ID sticker from a piglet and sticks it on Beryl so she, and not a cousin, is sent to the truck for market. During the ride Beryl falls out of the truck and goes into the underbrush. She is on the run and finds a wild pig, Amber. It is at this point that the story diverts and goes from finding fun and adventure into more talk about prejudice between animals and "pink pigs" and wild pigs. What they think about each other and how they judge them and have misconceptions. There is a segment of the wild population that does not want to be so prejudiced and they go off on a journey to find a new home. I thought the book would be appropriate for the third grade level but I think it is intended for an older audience. AR Reading level is 4.8 I checked this book out from the library because I thought it might be a book I could read to my students before rest time... but it's not quite appropriate for their age... or my school (I would read it to my own children at any age...but you know how school's are about certain subjects).But beside that, I commend Jane Simmons for writing a WELL-WRITTEN children's book. The writing was rich with vocabulary and great descriptive words. As you will remember, one of my pet-peeves is dumbed down books for kids with simple, plain boring sentences. So I am always delighted when I come across books for children that have a high quality of writing. I applaud not only Jane Simmons for that but all other authors who have written children's books with rich, powerful language.The story itself was cute, even with its predictable ending. The story has a lot of heart and also touches splendidly on issues of prejudice and the negative impact it has on society. All in all, a well written, cute little story.

Do You like book Beryl: A Pig's Tale (2010)?

this book is for you if you atlest like pigs! i love and it was almost the best book i have

My students LOVED this book!!! What a great way to compare & contrast Charlotte's Web.

really nice, loved it and it's message. I'm going to read it with my kids again...

This was not what I thought when I started the book. It is not a sweet pig story.

This book I actually read last year. I really enjoyed it

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