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Below Unforgiven (2013)

Below Unforgiven (2013)

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4.2 of 5 Votes: 1
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1493596292 (ISBN13: 9781493596294)
Drive Around Publishing

About book Below Unforgiven (2013)

After reading some of the reviews posted I thought, 'yeah this book could be good' but sadly it just wasn't for me. I found Vivian to be quite a frustrating character with her constant whiplash of emotions and indecisiveness when it came to who she loved. I found myself feeling sorry for Keaton as the world in the book was constantly acting against him. Overall this book wasn't terrible but I wouldn't read it again or recommend it to one of my friends. After the first few chapters of this book I looked to the back to see how it ended. I wasn't going to read anymore as I thought it was going to be one of those indisicive books however I pressed on and I'm glad I did as I was rewarded with a truly entertaining love story with plenty of twists. It turned out to be one of the best stories I've read recently. Get it for your reader shelf but be prepared to get the rest of this trilogy. Excellent

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4.5 stars!All I have to say is I LOVE KEATON!!

I really enjoyed this book. made me LOL alot.

Couldn't get into this one.


4.3/4 Stars

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