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Belle Moral: A Natural History (2008)

Belle Moral: A Natural History (2008)

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3.39 of 5 Votes: 4
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0307397246 (ISBN13: 9780307397249)
vintage canada

About book Belle Moral: A Natural History (2008)

This one is actually a play, which I had no idea when I picked it up at the library for the fact that it was a slim little slip of a book that I could carry with me and read. And I did, all in one day. It was fabulous. I loved the forthright female protagonist and the combination of spooky and science in the subject matter. I can only imagine it would be a joy to see it performed, and I was shocked when I read in the book that I was very familiar and had even met some of the people who were involved in the plays first performance!

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