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Behind The Bookcase (2012)

Behind the Bookcase (2012)

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3.48 of 5 Votes: 4
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0375989633 (ISBN13: 9780375989636)
Delacorte Books for Young Readers

About book Behind The Bookcase (2012)

Cute but derivative story about a girl discovering a secret world and then trying to stop an evil creature from destroying her world. It felt like Coraline Redux with a dash of Alice in Wonderland. The familiarity of the story kept me from enjoying it more though young readers will probably like this one. Being so short and straight forward made me think this was geared toward the younger end of Juvenile readers (age 7-11). I found the parents a bit too naive and the plot a bit too easy to wrap up. Still, it wasn't bad. This book was not a good book. It was very scary and after I read it I had trouble falling asleep at night. I do not like how they made the black cat mean. Just because the cat was black, that doesn't mean it is mean. After the cat, it was very easy to tell who was good and who was bad. The author copied the story of Alice In Wonderland and Coraline and made a very creepy story. I think this was one of the authors first books because it had no point, made no sense at all, did not explain things and was just plain CREEPY!!!!!!!!! I do not recommend this book to anyone unless you like staying up late looking at your bookcase worrying that it is going to move and some person with half a face will jump out and a cat will take your mouth.

Do You like book Behind The Bookcase (2012)?

Really good young adult novel. Good companion book to Walls Within Walls and A Wrinkle in Time.

I loved Sarah and the whole entire story. The setting description was absolutely fantastic!

I like this. It has a bit of a Coraline, Books of Elsewhere feel to it.

I wanted to like it. But I just got annoyed.

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