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Before I Die (2013)

Before I Die (2013)

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3.92 of 5 Votes: 3
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1466842113 (ISBN13: 9781466842113)
St. Martin's Griffin

About book Before I Die (2013)

This is an extremely inspiring project begun by Candy Chang, and what is even more amazing is how others feel spurred to greater heights and choose to engage in their own community goal. The layout of the book is fantastic, drawing the eye all over toward the color and font (a font which I love by the way, have to figure out what it is). I found myself yearning for larger, more colorful photos, but I feel that is an indication of the conditioning we feel about the media we consume; the staged and overwhelming feeling when in reality, photos are not always so gauche. I appreciated the diversity in the locations and was surprised at the variety. I did notice that certain locations did not have extra pages or dedicated stories - particularly, a few from Asian countries and other places which are in the middle of some serious cultural change. I wonder if it was a language issue (could not be translated; either way, I would still like to see the photos untranslated) or if what was written wasn't desired to be included in the book. Maybe I'm reading too much into it ....The remix page was interesting, and the stats page was gorgeous and my favorite.All in all, inspiring and fascinating! I won this book in a giveaway. I think it would be great to add to the teen collection and booktalk. I'd love to put up a "Before I Die" wall. I think the anonymity aspect is probably the best. I've been thinking of what I might write and if it was anonymous I would probably bear more of my soul than I would on my review and definitely more than I'd share on my library review. The wall postings of others make you think deeper about life and would be a good writing prompt as well.Before I die I want to: be comfortable with myself.Before I die I want to: return to Hawaii and introduce my second home to my husband and son. Before I die I want to: see my son grow up, get married, and meet my grandchildren.Before I die I want to: resolve relationships that are broken.Before I die I want to: meet the son I placed for adoption in 1997.

Do You like book Before I Die (2013)?

Such an awesome project to add a sense of community to the world.

a lovely, inspiring book. i want to make a wall.

Incredibly inspiring. Leaves you full of hope.

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