About book Bee Eater: Michelle Rhee Takes On The Nation's Worst School District (2011)
It's hard not to admire Michelle Rhee, and this book gives you many reasons why you should. Whitmire has created an easy-to-read portrait of a very polarizing figure. While there is a chapter in the book that alleges to review Rhee's faults, there are some holes in this story that Whitmire leaves out. Frontline's profile of Rhee was more balanced and included questions about possible cheating on standardized tests in D.C. during Rhee's reign. There's no mention of that at all in this book. Quite an oversight for an education reporter. Even so, I still enjoyed reading about Rhee's background and what led to her fight to improve D.C. public schools. This book is rather uncritical of Michelle Rhee and her tenure as superintendent of the DC Schools. The author attacks those who say educators can do little to counter the influences of poverty and family by pointing to some cities and schools that do better than others. However, this assumes that poverty is the same everywhere, which may not be the case. The author is too quick to assume that the teachers Rhee fired deserved it. Only at the end does the author admit that Rhee had faults and her inability to play politics and win support among the public contributed to the defeat of the mayor who appointed her, leading her to resign.
Do You like book Bee Eater: Michelle Rhee Takes On The Nation's Worst School District (2011)?
Not the best writing but great information on one of America's top educators.