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Bastard Prince: Henry VIII's Lost Son (2001)

Bastard Prince: Henry VIII's Lost Son (2001)

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3.59 of 5 Votes: 4
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0750926848 (ISBN13: 9780750926843)
sutton publishing

About book Bastard Prince: Henry VIII's Lost Son (2001)

Really enjoyed it. Like most people I've mentioned it to, I had no idea Henry VIII had illegitimate kids, let alone a son who came so close to being Henry IX. I thought the book was well written and well paced, although occassionally it seemed to move a little too quick for me. The names and familial relationships were difficult to follow sometimes, though that's no fault of the author's (almost everyone seems to have been called Henry and Mary in those days). It was interesting to read about Henry VIII's marital dramas from the point of view of his children and I remember being particularly sorry for Mary Tudor and her mother for the way they were treated, though maybe by the standards of the day it wasn't so bad.It seems academically well grounded without being dry, and I kept thinking all the way through, that this would make a great film (or TV mini-series).

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