I love the website, and this book is truly hilarious... Appreciated the extra text about family and photos. Many of these are pre-digital images, so they had to take the roll of 24 shots to be printed to find these gems. And I like that it is people who send in their own photos rather than people taking photos of strangers in awkward moments....Great if you want a big laugh - and a good present for siblings.... 2.5 - Not a whole 3 stars for me. I silently chuckled less than 5 times total. Most of the pics are weird or slightly funny - nowhere near funny enough to actually lol.The authors would be better off running this like another site - I think it's called rateyourgirlfriend.com or something like that. They post the photos and the sure users comment captions THEN the site users "like" the comments. The comment(s)/caption(s) with the most likes equal the funniest. I've literally choked laughing so hard at some if those captions.Think about it - what's the chance of YOU coming up with a caption that's side-splitting funny? Now what's the chance of thousands of people coming up with one side-splitting caption? Right.I wouldn't be real happy with myself if I had bought and paid for this. But then, I wouldn't have.All in all this has the potential to be hilarious next time around, if there is one. I saw a handful, at least a handful, that were nothing but old included here....Could have been ten times better for sure.
Do You like book Awkward Family Photos (2010)?
These were funny--a good visual image of how NOT to take family portraits.