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Awake And Dreaming (1999)

Awake and Dreaming (1999)

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014038166X (ISBN13: 9780140381665)

About book Awake And Dreaming (1999)

Rating: 3/5My sister always borrowed books from her school library. She laid them around all over the house and they always ended up being forgotten until the day she had to return them. I have always loved Kit Pearson. Growing up, I devoured her novels hungrily and enjoyed immensely the stories and magic she embedded in them. Even though this novel is a children's book, I still picked it up one afternoon, brooding over nothing to do, wanting to get away from all the homework and realities I didn't want to face in life yet. So, I saw it tucked away under a pile of papers from the clean up my mom did the other day. I went to my room, closed the door, and began to read this novel.Plot:I really liked how the novel begins. It's an interesting story from the beginning to the end. I don't know what else to say about the plot without giving it away but I must comment on the fact that the plot is very choppy. You WILL find yourself often confused about what's going on and how things are happening...etc. Kit Pearson is notorious and famous for the magical aspects of her novels in which you are forced to believe "the magical thing" in the novel without questioning the realistic entirety of it. To be completely honest, there were some parts I was not very happy with. Some can include: a) In the middle when the family starts accepting Theo without question and b) how the author explained this phenomenon through a different narrative near the end. Both the explanation and method of explanation didn't satisfy me. In fact, I found it completely laughable. The idea was so raw and immature as though Pearson ran out of ways to explain this mystery.The ending was okay for me. I didn't expect something dramatic. I guess I thought the resolution would be more absolute rather than just a flimsy not-really-knowing what's going to happen ending. I'm a big fan of absolute endings unless there's supposed to be a sequel. Overall, the plot is interesting, it will keep you on your toes, but there are some major turn offs and flaws that made me feel very uncomfortable throughout the novel.Characters:Theo: I can't say she is very realistic but I can say that most people can relate to some of the experiences she's encountered. I found myself empathetic towards her and feeling her dread although at times I don't understand her. I found myself embarrassed at things she does to humiliate herself and I felt myself longing as she had for her perfect family. By the way, I didn't like how the perfect family appeared in her life, very cliche in Pearson's stories I might add.The perfect family. she gave them attributes which make them more 3D in the novel, but I found them all too fake or overdone. Too typical.The angel is I liked the most in the novel. I thought her story should be told a little more, and I hated the resolution (once again) at the end of the novel for her and the conclusions the novel came to. Writing:Love love love the writing style. What more can I say about Kit Pearson? It a very easy read where you can get into the novel instantly. This may also contribute to the fact that her opening sentences are entices me and the picture she paints seems so real. Her writing is very simple in text, however, don't let it fool you that her story won't be anything short of breath taking world building. Kit Pearson's writing makes you feel as though you're hearing this story from someone you really really want to know. Context (themes, motifs...etc):Have you ever wished you lived in a different life? I really liked the themes of this novel (even though the ending was a little overused in her novels). Acceptance and facing her reality. Dreaming and finding yourself when everyone forces their own interests on you. Escaping reality, and yet, finding that reality is the thing she will remember the most. Finding comforts in your own way and realizing that other people are affected by everything you do: whether it was intentional or not. Motifs would be death and being reborn, sacrifice, and redemption. The message get across clearly and chilled to the bone with your own experiences relating to Theo's.Closing Comments:Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Pearson because my childhood was so rich of her novels. I sometimes feel like escaping my own reality and this novel kind of hit me in way. It's a novel that won't completely change you, but get you to think about not only you, but the other people in your life and how they change by things you do. My rating is lower than what it should be because I found it a downgrade from her other novels I've read. I personally didn't like the ending and some plot holes of the novel. However, I recommend this novel on a rainy day, snowy day, or especially in those times when you feel alone.

I loved this book. I loved it because it changed the way I think about reading and even life. After the book was finished I felt humbled and lucky to be able to live the way I do. The main characther Theo has so many issues which makes me feel sad, but also made me not take things for granite anymore. The meaning, the message and the moral are all incredibly strong. I believe Kit Pearson is saying that everything happens for a reason and that you can't let your expectations control your reality and also that if your not happy- then it's not the end.(a mixture of the three meanings.) I don't know if you'll experience the same meanings but that was how it impacted me. This book was amazing I'm so greatful that I read it with my class. Awake Dreaming was a great book.

Do You like book Awake And Dreaming (1999)?

Kit Pearson with another amazing novel and emotional roller coasters. I have to say when I was reading this book I felt SUPER grateful for what I have and how thankful I am to belong in a wonderful family :) And when Theo belonged and became a sister of the Kaldors, just hit me right there! The way Kit would describe the family and certain details made me feel I was in the book, and made me feel at home with them as well! It's one of those books where YOU actually feel like it's magic, which I love SOOO much. But I wish she added more to the ending, like a 2 years later kind of thing. I just wanted to see how Theo was doing and how she liked her new life. I think the ending was kind of rushed, that's why I gave it 4 stars. But other than that great book for ages 9-12

This was a very good book about a young girl named Theo who lives a tough life. She and her young mother are very poor and they keep moving from school to school across Vancouver because they can't afford rent in there apartments. When her mom meets a boy and they fall in love, Theo has to go live with her aunt for awhile in Victoria because the boy who her mom falls in love with doesn‘t like kids. On the ferry, she meets a nice family. The kind of family that she dreams of. Then she‘s running on the deck of the ferry and slips and falls! The next thing she knows is she‘s living with her dream family! Is it a dream? Is it real? Find out by reading this great Kit Pearson novel.
—Nathan Triangle

I read this book shortly after it was published for a Governor General's reading thing when I was in grade four. I loved this book, I don't have a background like Theo's but Theo's head was a place that I recognized. Any kid who grew up living in the head more than in reality while nose deep in a book will understand and love this book. Heck I sill live mostly in my head and the book seems to mean so much more to me now that I'm older. I also can still identify with Theo and found myself nine ye

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