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Atlas Girl: Finding Home In The Last Place I Thought To Look (2014)

Atlas Girl: Finding Home in the Last Place I Thought to Look (2014)

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0801016568 (ISBN13: 9780801016561)
Baker Books

About book Atlas Girl: Finding Home In The Last Place I Thought To Look (2014)

Atlas Girl is a brilliant book. A memoir filled with pain and healing, with longing and fulfillment, with tragedy and miracles, with understanding and love. Always, with love and faith. Emily's writing has touched my heart. After reading her book, I feel I almost know her as a friend. A friend that I don't want to part with. Atlas Girl is a book that I didn't want to put down. Even as I read the final chapter, I wanted to go back to the beginning, to read it all over again. We’re all broken. We’re all on a journey, searching for answers to the hard questions. And on that journey, many glorify disillusionment, cynicism, the losing of faith.But others, like Emily press through the darkness and allow God to open them to life on the other side of brokenness.Emily is an artist, drawing your heart and soul into her life story. While you are tempted to linger in the beauty of the words she paints on each page, you can’t help but be swept into the heartache and the healing which is her life.You may not have suffered from anorexia, run away from your family and faith, traveled the globe, or known the agonies of cancer ravaging your mother’s brain, but along with every human soul you do know confusion, sorrow, and the question of your worth. If you’re looking for hope, for faith that rests on a Solid Rock, for the courage to press on toward home, you can’t afford to miss the exquisite blessings of Atlas Girl.

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Beautifully written memoir

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