Holy cow frost came back with a vengeance in this book. She took this book to some crazy dark and crazy sad places. the heroine shows off her softer side and her ruthless side. the hero really isnt developed any more in this one just more of the same goodness. the romance is in sort of stasis and didnt really go anywhere in this book. the plot though was waaaay more interesting than the last..maybe more interesting than the first. I was always engaged and ready to see what happened. my issues with this book are mostly smaller one: all the time jumps are sloppily done and on occasion the writing itself was sloppy or awkward. Also the characters kept talking about being at war without anything actually happening...it was like continuously waiting for the shoe to drop only when it does you...idk went fell asleep waiting so long then it takes a minute to catch up with the excitement. Id intended on stopping her and leaving the series on a high note but after reading the blurb on the next one i think i have to check it out This was the most action packed of the series so far, for sure! Heads were rolling (literally) from the first few chapters and continued throughout the entire book. There was a lot less of the relationship component between Cat and Bones, but their united front towards the enemies kept me going. The ending was a little lack-luster for me...I wanted something bigger, more deserving, but maybe that just makes me evil! I'll definitely read #4
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Absolutely addicted,i love this series with a passion. I recommend this to anyone.