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Artemis Fowl Collection (2000)

Artemis Fowl Collection (2000)

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0141340258 (ISBN13: 9780141340258)

About book Artemis Fowl Collection (2000)

It is about a boy named Artemis fowl.He was the only Human that discover that fairy,demon,Elf and fantisy ceatures do extis.He was a crimal master mind that steals things.So when a confused and frightened demon pops up in a Sicilian theatre, Artemis Fowl is there to meet him. Unfortunately, he is not the only one. A second, mysterious party has also solved the temporal equations, and manages to abduct the demon before Artemis can secure him. Really good YA series. Each book follows a simple structure of catching up with where the characters are before introducing a problem, which of course only Artemis can help them solve, there is witty banter and the problem is solved. Over the series there is really good character development and relationship building. The final books kind of tease at facing bigger issues and expanding the world but don't quite manage to do it. They almost seem to become a bit more simplified, which is a bit disappointing, but they stay fun. Overall fun series and it is worth making it through all eight books.

Do You like book Artemis Fowl Collection (2000)?

Awesome books. One my favorites. Although I wonder who would name their son after a Greek goddess.

My favourite series!!It is both funny and serious.

Awesome book series!!

Great series!!!

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