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Artemis Fowl And The Atlantis Complex (2010)

Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex (2010)

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3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
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0141328037 (ISBN13: 9780141328034)
Puffin Books

About book Artemis Fowl And The Atlantis Complex (2010)

I've been reading Artemis Fowl ever since the sparkly golden cover first caught my eye at a public library. I haven't touched the series since the 5th book though, so I was pretty excited when I picked this up at a second-hand book sale. As it turned out, this was my least favorite book in the series so far. Orion was really annoying, Foaly was bordering on annoying. I don't know if it was this book, or that I've grown too old for Artemis Fowl (shudder), but I'll be picking up the 6th and 8th books after this for sure. That said, I do think it was a refreshing idea to have a book where Artemis wasn't the one saving the day, the second story about Turnball/Leonor brought some tears to my eyes. A part of me also feels that there would inevitably be a book where Artemis isn't the genius, especially since we've been following him for such a long time. And maybe that's also what friends are for - to save us when we go crazy :) For my story I did Artemis Fowl The Atlantis Complex , I would say the author’s purpose for writing this book was to entertain the reader since the story is about humans interacting with humans throughout the story and having fun too. The intended audience is meant to be teens to young adults who would appreciate the humor and at some points lack of seriousness. I would say that the theme of this book would have to be that you can always rely on your friends for help and that sometimes you just need to take care of your own problems that you already have before you go out and find some more The Style of the book is narration and I would say that it is pretty effective since with a description you just wouldn’t really be able to relate to the characters as well since the story would be told after the fact so you wouldn’t get all the humor that goes along with it. An exposition wouldn’t work because the author isn’t trying to explain anything but instead keeps some of the information until later use in order to make the story more interesting for example Artemis and his friends can’t figure out who is causing Atlantis to be evacuated and why, but almost at the end of the story he figures out. Argument definitely wouldn’t work because no one is trying to prove his or her opinion on a subject against someone else’s. I really liked this book because it wasn’t just a book where their fighting and running around the entire time the book also adds in some mystery and detective work that really makes the reader get involved and think well their reading. The book also is really good in the fact that the author describes the environments really well, which was pretty cool since most of the environments even described through words are very vibrant and detailed especially Atlantis and the areas around it.

Do You like book Artemis Fowl And The Atlantis Complex (2010)?

Sadly, I don't find this story to be up to the quality I've found on previous books of the Artemis Fowl saga. A boring plot, dumb jokes and situations that made no sense and were not funny at all, and boring characters. Even Artemis himself was completely boring in this adventure. I kept expecting him to surprise me in the end, as he did other times before, but the end was abrupt and anticlimatic. The whole book felt like a waste of time, as much as it pains me to say something like that of something I used to like so much as an Artemis Fowl story. I sincerely hope The Last Guardian brings back the level of quality I've come to expect from Eoin Colfer. Otherwise, I'll be even more disappointed than I am now.

I think I am coming to the end of my Artemis phase, but Eoin Colfer really knows how to keep a reader going. I like that Artemis was having mental problems in this particular book. He certainly deserves a nervous breakdown after all of his many adventures. He is trying to save the world, and right in the middle of his demonstration an old nemesis arrives and then things get crazy. Artemis is already not seeing the world in a normal way. Can the boy genius manage to pull himself together in time to save his friends, Holly Short and Foaley?

Dunno why, but I couldn't get into this one as much as I did the earlier books.

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