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Arctic Fire (2012)

Arctic Fire (2012)

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3.41 of 5 Votes: 4
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1612183484 (ISBN13: 9781612183480)
Thomas & Mercer

About book Arctic Fire (2012)

Maybe less. First of all, it is a mile long but only an inch deep - all action, such as a James Bond movie, and very little substance. Secondly, action books tend not to be too descriptive, but this one had so little description I began to wonder if he has actually been to these places, especially Dutch Harbor, a fascinating fishing complex on the Aleutians which I have visited many times (one of the reasons I purchased the book). Thirdly, it was a political issue novel (national security vs. individual freedom), but the author seemed unwilling to take a stand, veering wildly from the "liberal" to "conservative" positions. Finally, as it is the first in a series, it did not surprise me there was a "cliffhanger," but three? Does he not know where he wants to go next? An OK read, but just barely. This is the first book I've read by Frey and I enjoyed it. The cloak-and-dagger aspect is what I expected and being a long-time fan of 'The Deadliest Catch,' the brief time the story spent off the coast of Dutch Harbor and in the Bering Sea was satisfying.I should have realized this was a series, however, because the cliffhanger ending was less an actual 'ending' than driving and finding out abruptly the road ends and you're being asked to hurtle across a gaping chasm. The problem is that I wasn't expecting it and so I'm not mentally prepared to take that leap. I'm interested, but not entirely up for the journey just yet. The characters were only a little more complex than the garden-variety covert spy organization that zealously protects blissfully unaware citizens and politicians alike.

Do You like book Arctic Fire (2012)?

If you like books about espionage this is a book for you. Bit or love story and surprising ending.

Enjoyed the suspense but was unhappy about the unfinished ending.

ThinVery thinAnd predictable ...

I liked this book until end.

very good

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