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Another Omnibus (2013)

Another Omnibus (2013)

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4.33 of 5 Votes: 3
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0316245917 (ISBN13: 9780316245913)
Yen Press

About book Another Omnibus (2013)

I don't usually read horror manga. Funny romantic ones are more my thing, but the fact that this Omnibus wraps up the whole story and doesn't require me to buy any other books tempted me, and I must say it was quite worth it. The story is very creepy, and at first had me really confused. I couldn't even begin to understand what was going on. I loved how all the events unfolded and how everything was explained without being spoon-fed to us readers. And the ending... god that ending. I had no idea. Apparently the anime gets a bit more gruesome and kills off more characters, but dang was it unexpected. The art was also quite fantastic. I read the book in the hurry so I wasn't able to appreciate it well, but I fully intend to go back and examine each page. Manga artists tend to include so many details that can be easily missed during a first read, so it's always nice when you go back and find new things. All in all, it was quite good, and I do recommend it for anyone with an interest in horror or manga! Combining all 4 volumes of the Another series into one book Yen Press took a big chance pricing it at 29.99 (most omnibus books are around $20 or less and I didn't know until after that this is 4 books instead of 2 or 3 which is the norm.)Still regardless Still the premise of the book looked interesting and it was a complete series so my curiosity took over my frugal nature and I went for it with good results.Another is a manga that takes elements of your favorite Japanese horror movies and splices them into the pages to offer you a subtle thrill as the truth is slowly revealed. Something unnatural is affecting Class 3-3 and the creators of the book will have you guessing to the end until you realize the foreshadowing was there all along.At the end of the day my favorite part of the book, although I really enjoyed the story, was the gorgeous artwork helping me know the desperation and nervousness of the students as they all face a real threat from an unknown source and the lovely scenes that housed each chapter that made the world seem a little more real(and the danger even more so.)

Do You like book Another Omnibus (2013)?

Really good book! I like how the author organized everything,and the book is really exciting

it was an awesome and weird story line but I loved it

I felt like this kind of fell apart towards the end.


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