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Anne Of Green Gables (2003)

Anne of Green Gables (2003)

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0451528824 (ISBN13: 9780451528827)

About book Anne Of Green Gables (2003)

On Saturday, I found out Jonathan Crombie (Gilbert Blythe) had passed away of a brain hemorrhage. While I never wanted to marry him, I loved everything he stood for in the Anne books--truth, love, faithfulness--one of those Jimmy Bean type heroes that never do anything stunning, but prove by their uprightness in family and community that providing for their hearth fire is the most worthy calling they could think of. I loved his grin, and his 'soorry' and his teasing. So today, in memory of his splendid job as Gilbert Blythe, I want to explain why I love, endorse, and appreciate, the Anne of Green Gables series. Master Study in Personality Types When Anne arrives at Green Gables, it's easy to peg her as an over-talkative scarily-imaginative eleven-year-old and leave it at that. Either you like her or you hate her, the end. But it's a lot richer than that. Anne is the story of how the life of one person ripples and ripples and ripples to touch everyone. Think of yourself as the center of a web, and trace all the people you've managed to impact in the last year. Most of us would be in the several hundreds. People brushing against one another change lives for better or for worse. Anne's coming to Avonlea changed a lot of lives, simply by her personality intersecting with theirs. She brought love to Marilla, and Marilla brought her self-control. She brought new life to Matthew, and Matthew brought her the words of blessing she had never heard before. Anne didn't just need them. They needed her. The girls at school needed her, just like she needed some normal childhood companionship. She needed Diana's goodness, and Diana needed her spunk. They fed off each other's strengths and weaknesses. That's real life. Our sins take people down, and our virtues build them up. That's the heartbeat of Anne of Green Gables. Marilla's shriveled heart, Anne's over-sensitiveness, and Mrs. Lynde's gossip all play their part. So does Anne's zeal (which this sleepy, cliquish community needed) Marilla's dependability, and Mrs. Lynde's handy wisdom with child-rearing. It's a master portrait of how everyone works together to build a varied and beautiful community. As Marilla says simply in the movie, "He knew we needed her." Master Study of Female MaturingThose who give up on Anne in book 1 miss the whole point of the series. Anne of Green Gables is not an end in itself, nor is Anne of Avonlea or Anne of the Island (three of the trickiest books theology-wise). Keep reading. Keep reading all eight books, and then you'll get the beauty of how Anne grows into a wise mother, a loving neighbor, and a mature woman. The little girl who puts liniment in the cake and doesn't care about praying grows up--just like you've grown up--or your little sister--or your daughter.For instance, in book 3, Anne hates 'normal' men and wants a dashing, romantic hero. She doesn't even want to get married--thinks Diana settled too soon for boring old Fred. But Anne doesn't always think that way. She grows up to love babies and love Gilbert, a very regular doctor who sometimes forgets their anniversary and doesn't spout poetry. And she finds fulfillment in these things. In a word, Anne struggles with a lot of things real girls struggle with. She's not a pattern, like Elsie Dinsmore was written to be--she's a portrait. It is so vital that in discerning reading we learn to separate the difference between patterns and portraits. Sometimes we condemn the latter and endorse the former, without realizing that we need both to have healthy minds and reading habits. In other words, I love Anne because I know she doesn't always think the way she does at sixteen. Neither do I. Nor at thirty will I think the way I do at twenty. But I love watching her grow into a gracious and well-rounded woman. Master Study of Realistic RomanceThis is where Gilbert comes in. Unfortunately a lot of girls have immaturely made Gilbert into a hot item. That's not what he is, and that's not what he's meant to be. Gilbert is a good picture of what a regular, everyday husband should be: a man who cherishes his wife without making her a goddess, and works with his hands without owning a huge estate, and knows how to love in a deeply romantic way without diminishing his regular male patterned way of thinking. He and Anne are knitted together to become one. He makes fun of company behind their backs and (heavy spoiler) holds her tight when she loses her first baby (end of spoiler) and heals patients around Glen St. Mary and watches his sons go off to war. He is steady and stalwart, using his strengths to compliment Anne's weaknesses. Gilbert and Anne have always been on the list of couples I love for their everyday grace.This series is jam-packed with things to learn about life and love and the way people interact with one another. Not always the way they should interact--simply the way they do interact. Sure, it's a jumbled up mix of heathens (Mr. Harrison and Davy come to mind) and mistaken theology (particularly in the death of Ruby Gillis) but it also teaches good things: that babies should be treasured, and friends are sweet gifts, and life needs a balance of self-control and imagination. It's a series of exploration: one young woman exploring life from age eleven all the way into her forties. It is sweet and truly written, with masterful description and syntax on Montgomery's part.I love Anne so much. She is a young woman beautifully flawed and full of resilient grace. She's not merely a talkative little girl in a quirky community of saints and sinners. She's a master portrait of living and loving, and one I hope to read about again and again.

لا أضع غالباً خمس نجوم لكتاب ولكني هنا أضعها وبسخاء.. فعندما أتمهل في قراءة كتاب ما وأطيل وقت قراءتي له خوفاً من انهاءه، واستمتع بكل لحظة اقضيها معه، ثم اشعر اني فارقت شخصاً عزيزاً على قلبي بمجرد إنهاءه، فهو يستححق بذلك أكثر من خمس نجوم وبجدارة! بإمكاني القول أني استمتعت بقراءة هذه الرواية الراائعة بكل معنى الكلمة، ابدعت الكاتبة - لوسي مود مونتغمري - في روايتها هذه، فليس من السهل أن تتقمص شخصية طفل وتتحدث كالاطفال وتمثل براءته بهذه البراعة.بطلتنا (آن) ملحوظة صغيرة، عند نطق الإسم لا تنس مد الالف واشباع النون .، ليصبح أكثر شاعرية! كما تزعم آن طبعاً.. تدور احداث هذه القصة في كندا وتحديداً في افونليا.. آن فتاة حالمة هي جرعة من الأمل والسعادة والتفاؤل مندفعة ومنطلقة هي شعلة من النشاط تمتلك المرح المحبب والشقاوة اللطيفة ببراءة الطفولة بلا تكلف، لكم أضحكتني خيالاتها وثرثرتها بلا مبالاة، فلا يمنعها شيء من الاسترسال في الثرثرة، فتتدفق أحاديثها وأفكارها كالنهر الجاري لا يتعب ولا ينضب، كانت صادقة في تعبيرها صريحة بغير وقاحة، تسعدها أشياء بسيطة كم هي قنوعة آن .. لا تملك سوى الخيال.. وهو يكفي لإسعادها، تضفي روح المرح والسعادة في أي مكان تتواجد فيه، فيكفي أن تتخيل ما تريد ليَقنع قلبها الصغير ويَسعد، تتمتع بطلتنا الصغيرة بخيال خصب، الخيال الجميل الذي يساعدها غالباً على تعدي الازمات فتعيش اللحظة وتستمتع بجمالها.. تتصرف على سجيتها وطبيعتها الطفولية، تبوح بمشاعرها بأريحية..أحببتك يا آن أحببت روحك الطفولية الممزوجة بالشقاوة وحتى تلك الثرثرة .. وصفها جميل فعلاً انا اشعر اني ارى ما كتبته بل اكاد اعيشه، ارى المنازل الريفية وتلك الأشجار على جانبي الطريق ، والهواء العليل في المرتفعات، لطالما احببت الريف وتمنيت العيش فيه، والان بوصف جمال الريف في هذا الكتاب فأنا عشت فيه بتفاصيله، بجمال وصفها فأنت لا تمتلك سوى الاستمتاع بجمال الطبيعة، احببت كل مافي الكتاب واحببت تلك التفاصيل الصغيرة ..بعض شخصيات الرواية:السيدة ريتشيل: فضولية دقيقة وشديدة الملاحظة والتي أظن انها توجد في كل مجتمع نسائي.ماثيو: شخصية خجولة، طيب القلب، يحسن الإستماع لثرثرة صغيرته.ماريلا: جادة تخفي مشاعرها بالرغم من رقة قلبها وطيبتها.ديانا: صديقة آن المفضلة جميلة ورقيقة.حظيت برفقة مسلية وممتعة، ارجعتني إلى سنوات ماضية إلى زمن الطفولة الجميل .، إلى خيالاتنا وأحلامنا الصغيرة، كنت خيالية نوعاً ما ولكن لا أجاري آن في خيالها بالتأكيد ومن يجاري آن في ذلك، بل ومن كـ آن !استمتعت بالكتاب استمتاعا لدرجة اني لا أتركه إلا مكرهة .. ركنت كل واجباتي على جنب وشرعت بمتعتة قراءته فقطوالآن نصيحة لا تقرأه إلا وأنت خال البال ومتفرغ لهذه الرواية فقط ..ولا اغفل عن المترجمة "سكينة إبراهيم" كانت ترجمتها راائعة ومتقنة جداً، شكر خاص للمترجمة هكذا تكون الترجمة وإلا فلا .. ملاحظة : لم أشاهد الفيلم والصور تم اختيارها بشكل عشوائي ....ملاحظة أخرى .. توجد بعض الاقتباسات من الرواية في الأسفل .. :)

Do You like book Anne Of Green Gables (2003)?

“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”Now, I will admit that I was actually introduced to “Anne of Green Gables” through the animated TV series that used to come on PBS and I remembered liking this TV series when I was little. Now, I finally had the chance to actually read L.M. Montgomery’s all-time classic book “Anne of Green Gables” and I was surely not disappointed with the results!Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert wanted to have a child who could help them around the house, so they decided to adopt a child from the orphanage and they wished that the child was a young boy. Unfortunately, when Matthew went to the orphanage, he realizes that the owners of the orphanage had made a mistake and gave him a young girl named Anne Shirley instead of a young boy. Even though at first, Matthew and Marilla tried to take Anne Shirley back to the orphanage, they soon grew to love the young girl as Anne Shirley is unlike any other little girl they had ever came across. It turns out that Anne Shirley has a vivid imagination and she expresses her love for life through her poetic statements that would make anyone fall in love with her instantly. The town of Avonlea will never be the same again!Now, I had heard about this book for years now, but I never had the chance to really read this book due to me spending so much time reading other middle grade books. Now, I finally got the chance to read this book and I will admit that this book has been nothing but pure love and creativity! L.M. Montgomery had done a brilliant job at writing this book as the narrative is extremely poetic and flowery and I just find myself falling in love with all of the characters from Avonlea! I honestly think the best part about this book was the characters themselves as they all brought something different and interesting to the story. Anne Shirley is honestly one of my most favorite young heroines of all time as she is constantly shown as being optimistic in her goals and the fact that she always makes everything in her life seem so dramatic in a good way really made her into a truly interesting character. I also connect so much with Anne Shirley because I used to have a vivid imagination when I was little and I would usually try to reenact my imaginations in real life, just like how Anne has often done so in this book. I loved Anne’s relationships with her fellow students, especially with Diana Barry as it shows how close Anne is towards Diana and I love how they are willing to be together throughout their lives as it shows how inspiring their friendship is! I also enjoyed Anne’s rivalry with Gilbert Blythe as it was interesting seeing Anne still harbor resentment towards Gilbert when he called her “carrots” and pulled on her pigtails early on and yet as the story goes on, you start seeing Anne going from hating Gilbert Blythe to having some feelings for him. It really makes me excited to see where Anne and Gilbert’s relationship will go after this book! I loved how L.M. Montgomery made the narrative so beautiful to read as I really felt a connection with Anne’s journey from being an imaginative young girl to being a grown and mature young woman and there were so many quotes in this book that were so memorable, such as this little gem: “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”Overall, “Anne of Green Gables” is easily one of the most beautiful books I had ever read and I definitely cannot wait to check out the rest of the “Anne of Green Gables” books in this wonderful series!Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

"I don't believe I'd really want to be a sensible person, because they are so unromantic." A series of letters. Dear Jo (aged 11),Get off The Sims and pick up a copy of Anne of Green Gables and read it now. It will change your life.Best wishes,Jo (aged 22)Dear Ms Montgomery,I would like to take your beautiful prose and drape it over the washing line in my back garden to create a mystical den that only I and my friends may enter. Who would I have to talk to for this to happen?Thank you in advance,J.WDear Anne,I now understand completely why so many young girls (and some not so young girls!) have fallen in love with you over the years.You are simply marvellous and, even though I’m late to the party, you are making me feel like the guest of honour.I wish I had met you when I was younger so you could have taught me that it was OK to get lost in daydreams and not feel shy about looking at things a bit differently than other people.Because you and I and the rest of our kindred spirits really do have the best view.Lots of love,Jo.Gilbert- Just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I have a feeling that we’re going to get on splendidly in the future. Oh and I’d never crush your candied heart under my foot, though I’d probably just eat it. - J Dear Manchester,It has come to my attention that there are places in this world that are not rife with gangs of delinquents in hoodies, canals brimming with shopping trollies and boys who think it’s acceptable to wear jeggings. There is a place in this world where a “myriad of bees” hums over orchards with “a bridal flush of pinky-white bloom” and where brooks are heard laughing under the ice. You will not find sullen commuters who think it’s courteous to steal the last Metro in the morning. This is a place where you can drift “luxuriously out on a sea of daydreams” and eat plum pudding instead of a Greggs pasty and where “days slip[ped] by like golden beads on the necklace of the year.”This place has scope for imagination. (And it also has seasons other than ‘Grim’)And this place is called Prince Edward’s Island.Consider this your first warning, Manchester. If you don’t buck up your ideas, you will find yourself less one Mancunian.Yours Faithfully,J. Williams. Dear Boys who worked in the cocktail bar at Bangor SU about a year and a half ago, Remember my 21st birthday?That wasn’t raspberry cordial …. Was it?- A former student who would like to remain anonymous.

What a delightful book! Reading this truly made me happy. Anne's character was a hoot!! I found myself giggling throughout the book. Her quirkiness was endearing. Her view of life was fascinating. She had the spunk that you can't help but love! She brought the kid out of me and it felt wonderful.I loved everything about this book. The beautiful setting, the phenomenal cast of characters, the storyline, the ease of read, etc. It also had everything as well ... adventure, fun, laughs, imagination, love story, family, friendship, tragedy, growth, etc. An overall feel happy book. Surely, the words went into my head and converted to dopamine. I was on cloud nine all day!! It's an awesome feeling. By the way, I'm a lucky woman because I know a younger version of Anne in my life. She lives with me! My daughter certainly is the life of our household ...never a dull moment here. ~Haha ... my daughter even kinda looks like this girl on the book cover in braids and big almond eyes ..minus red hair. Like Anne, she's also smart and lovely at heart. Oh I love my little girl!! It's no wonder that I can totally relate to how Marilla and Matthew took a liking to Anne ... I have one too! :)***Find this review and more at Jinky is Reading

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