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And You Call Yourself A Christian (2012)

And You Call Yourself a Christian (2012)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 3
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1601628218 (ISBN13: 9781601628213)
Urban Books

About book And You Call Yourself A Christian (2012)

This was such an interesting read from start to finish. I was curious to see what happened to Unique. I'm glad she was finally freed, but look what all she had to go thru. Those two mothers of hers were a trip. They were only thinking of themselves. It shocked me when she wanted to sign the girls over to Lorain. I would recommend this book to anyone it is a two thumbs up novel. September 27, 2012 A Badge of HonorWhat God has joined together let no man put asunder. Lorraine and Unique had been forced to work together on the singles ministry. Though different, the ladies began to talk, learn more about the other, and the respect for the other came natural. What they would later find out, that Unique is Lorraine's biological daughter, further solidified their bond. When Unique, a mother of three, learns that she's pregnant again, and this time with twins, she and Lorraine decide that Lorraine will raise the girls as hers. This is great news for all involved. Unique is still trying to make things work for her and her three sons and Lorraine finally gets the chance to be a mother, well a new mother.Life is pretty much going well. Nicholas, Lorraine's boyfriend, has proposed. She fears that he may be too good to be true. She keeps praying that he is the one, but her past keeps insisting that she is unworthy of a good man. Not to mention that he is not saved.Unique has decided that she's tired of begging for scraps from her boys' dads. She's going to make sure that they understand that she didn't have children on her own and force them to chip in their fair share. Though her Mary Kay sales are going well, she still needs help.Just as Lorraine has made up her mind for happily ever after, and Unique has decided to take the law in her own hands, life happened. Unique is in jail and Lorraine is trying to figure out how to help. When she meets Korica, the woman that raised Unique, she feels anything but gratitude. Soon the two are involved in all kinds of tit for tat and trying to best the other in the eyes of Unique.God has a way of bringing out testimonies from tests and making a message out of a mess. Despite all that these two have gone through, will they continue to trust God at his word? Or will they both walk in fear?E.N. Joy has held my interest since the very first title in the "Divas" series. I really appreciate how you get to witness Christians trying, despite heartache, pain and fear, to manage everyday life. I look forward to reading the next book in the STILL DIVAS SERIES.Reviewed by: Crystal

Do You like book And You Call Yourself A Christian (2012)?

First time reading from this author and I really enjoy her work. On to the next one....

Totally enjoyed this book. E.N. Joy is a Christian writer indeed.

What a great story. Unique's plight was inspirational.


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