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An Invisable Thread (2011)

An Invisable Thread (2011)

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Howard Books

About book An Invisable Thread (2011)

New York anni 80, un periodo in cui in città vagabondi e accattoni erano tanto comuni quanto i bambini sulle biciclette o le mamme coi passeggini. Il paese stava attraversando un boom economico, il divario tra i ricchi e i poveri si allargava sempre di più. Per le strade della metropoli uomini induriti ed emaciati, donne dall'aria triste e spettrali, coperti di stracci, accampati negli angoli dormivano sulle grate e chiedevano l'elemosina, dopo un pò l'occhio ci faceva l'abitudine. Erano talmente numerosi che la maggior parte delle persone decideva di voltarsi dall'altra parte o li ignorava. Ci sono cose nella vita però che non rientrano nei programmi. Laura 36 anni, donna con una vita programmata al secondo, appuntamenti, orari da rispettare, una riunione dopo l'altra, sempre con l'occhio sull'orologio, si sente rivolgere la parola "Scusi signora ha degli spiccioli? ho fame". Senza il perchè, a quanto pareva qualcosa le aveva toccato il cuore. Era Maurice, un bambino di 10 anni, un corpicino minuscolo due braccia scheletriche, due grandi occhi tondi, una tuta piena di macchie e scarpe sfondate. Lo porta al McDonalds, una passeggiata, la sala giochi e dopo quella volta mangiarono insieme ogni lunedì, consentendogli di acquisire fiducia e poco a poco poter raccontare la sua sfortunata situazione familiare.Il padre consumava abitualmente droghe pesanti, alcol e coca che scatenavano i suoi accessi di rabbia scagliandosi su moglie e figli, fino a quando la mamma, Darcella non sopportando più l'infedeltà se ne andò. Le cose non cambiarono di molto in quanto lei stessa cade nel giro della droga e Maurice andava e veniva da casa di Laura come gli pareva, nessuno gli chiedeva mai dove fosse stato o dove stava andando, indipendentemente dall'ora. Una storia in cui un figlio desiderava tanto una madre, una madre che desiderava tanto un figlio. Un desiderio che non aveva a che fare con il cordone ombellicale o il DNA ma con due persone che avevano bisogno l'una dell'altra ed erano destinate a incontrarsi. Maurice le ha insegnato cosa sono la flessibilità, il coraggio, la perseveranza, e quella forza speciale che viene dal superare le prove più difficili, il valore del denaro, il vero significato di un rituale banale come fare i biscotti o preparare una dolce e lei gli insegna di rimanere saldi nelle proprie decisioni anche quando si presentano delle difficoltà, concentrazione, coraggio, perseveranza.Il libro è tratto da una storia vera, all'interno sono presenti molte loro foto. "An Invisible Thread" by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski is an incredible book. This book is about when an 11 year-old panhandler, Maurice, on the streets of New York asks a successful businesswoman named Laura for some money. At first she ignores him but something makes her go back and not just give him money but treats him to a meal. Soon after they begin to meet every Monday, on 56th St. where Maurice first asked Laura for money, and go out to lunch every time. Laura Schroff’s acts of kindness and their effects show how servicing others can benefit the one performing these good deeds.Laura is faced with the unexpected change in her after meeting her fortuitous companion. Laura helps Maurice, the 11-year-old panhandler, while he is living on the streets of New York, like when she says, “If you’re hungry, I’ll take you to McDonald’s and buy you lunch” (p2). At first it seems like Laura is being a good person and is helping Maurice more than anything else. She is a great deciding factor in his life and they become extraordinarily great friends. Laura even saves Maurice from the life that’s going on around him, which happened to include bad people and their business. Laura says, “Whenever I hear someone tell me how lucky Maurice is to meet me, I have to stop them and correct them. The truth is that the lucky one is me” (p219). This demonstrates that Maurice is a very influential person in Laura’s life. Even though Laura saves Maurice’s life, he changed hers in a way neither of them could have ever anticipated. This evidence exhibits the change of perspective that occurs within Laura throughout the story.This story demonstrates what helping others can do for you. This book was so inspirational and profound that I couldn't put it down! Reading “an Invisible Thread” changes one's perspective on helping others. People, when trying to help themselves, don’t realize that it is possible to benefit oneself in the process of supporting others. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy reading about anomalous and unforeseen encounters.

Do You like book An Invisable Thread (2011)?

An invisible Thread, is an inspiring story of a women who has a good job and a very busy schedule with no space for anyone or thing until she meets an 11 year old pan handler. At first she just passes him giving him nothing but then she backs up and offers to buy him lunch. This really hit a nerve with me because I have passed so many people who are in need and have not even given them a second though. This book really makes you look at yourself and reevaluate your life. Later on Laura Schroff writes about how she would meet with him once a week and bring him out to eat. There relationship grew from just two people with separate lives to something so much greater. Reading this book will make you want to be a better person.

This book does mimic the story behind "The Blind Side." Laura Schroff sees a homeless eleven year old boy on the street panhandling, and she takes him for a meal. This begins regular meetings on Mondays. For Laura, it fills a void left from her abusive past, but she is not aware until many years later how important those meetings are to Maurice. Getting out of his own neighborhood, full of drugs, crime, and violence gives him hope. This shapes his future in a very positive way.

3.5 stars

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