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An Ex To Grind (2006)

An Ex To Grind (2006)

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3.31 of 5 Votes: 3
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0060899301 (ISBN13: 9780060899301)
william morrow paperbacks

About book An Ex To Grind (2006)

This book was also fun and easy to read. It pushes the boundaries of actually believable but I still enjoyed it. It's basically about a successful woman who divorces her lazy ex-NFL-injured-who-refuses-to-get-a-job husband and then finds out part of the divorce settlement is her paying alimony to him. What makes matters worse is the ex-husband parades around spending said alimony on frivolous things like Crystal and trips on private jets. She's determined to get out of this alimony using the loophole in the divorce agreement but as she does this, she falls back in love with him.It's hard for me to believe that someone would find themselves in this predicament although perhaps giving someone money each month and watching them waste it, all while you are suffering in a crappy apartment would drive you to do crazy things...I hope to never find out. Regardless, it was still entertaining.

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