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An Atheist Manifesto (2000)

An Atheist Manifesto (2000)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 1
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About book An Atheist Manifesto (2000)

This book is probably one of the most blunt out there I've read. It's not really intended to convince the religious of anything, as the language of the book gets outright derogatory at times and makes a few baseless blanket statements. That I think is the one major failure of the book I loved the main message of the book though, which focused on how we can do better as a species than hold on to outdated dogma. this, in my opinion, is a book that anyone who can read, should read. it won't tell you how to live your life, but it will tell you how not to live it. the point here being that there are very many books out there that purport to teach people how best to live there lives but it is on such rare occasions as is the case here that one gets a book that advices them on how not live their lives. this is a masterpiece in its own right.

Do You like book An Atheist Manifesto (2000)?

Wasn't anything I already didn't know, however some fantastic quotes are given. A great quick read!

Short, but brilliant. I read the entire thing in one sitting; it's really not long.

It was all right. I prefer Hitchen's God is Not Great, there's more substance.

full of assumptions and inaccuracies. not really even with your time.

nothing much new, some good Ingersol quotes though

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