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Among The Shrouded (2013)

Among the Shrouded (2013)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 1
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0991071301 (ISBN13: 9780991071302)

About book Among The Shrouded (2013)

This sounded so interesting and could have been. They never really explained why these three people had their "gifts". The subject matter was really sad which you would expect (and it definitely made me want to help stop human trafficking). Also there are a couple graphic scenes that helped show how horrible the situation was but they could be disturbing for some to read. It was just OK to me. Although brought into the world under very different circumstances, there was nothing ordinary about three of the children born on that day who happened to be blessed. A tragic life of women coming to the US in naive hope for a better future, only to find themselves trapped. Written with amazing empathy and care the book focuses on one particular woman from the Ukraine. This is a BRILLIANT READ !!! This an honest review, book gifted to me.

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I devoured this book in a single sitting. Couldn't. Put. It. Down!

Another great story from Amalie Jahn. Would recommend.

A engrossing story. Borrowed through KU.

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