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America's Dumbest Criminals: Wild And Weird Stories Of Fumbling Felons, Clumsy Crooks, And Ridiculous Robbers (1995)

America's Dumbest Criminals: Wild and Weird Stories of Fumbling Felons, Clumsy Crooks, and Ridiculous Robbers (1995)

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1558533729 (ISBN13: 9781558533721)
thomas nelson

About book America's Dumbest Criminals: Wild And Weird Stories Of Fumbling Felons, Clumsy Crooks, And Ridiculous Robbers (1995)

If you are my type of reader, this book is the book you missing fo a long time."America's Dumpest Criminals" is the funneist non-fiction book that i ever read, this book is so halarious that i finished it in four days, and i couldn't stop reading this book each day.this crazy book is about how the police deal with dumpest criminals a life. on daily bases police face with some thing they want every one to know so this book to written to honor them. one story that i really liked in this book is about this man who comes home drunk and notices that his house is ropped, he calls the cops and two police men show up at his big house and he invites them in, the cops notice that this place don't look like it was ropped so they start asking him what he is missing and the answer was shocking, the man said some one stole his big bag of crack coine which was behind his TV.

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