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Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide On Achieving Success And Happiness (2012)

Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide on Achieving Success and Happiness (2012)

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1118341384 (ISBN13: 9781118341384)
John Wiley & Sons

About book Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide On Achieving Success And Happiness (2012)

I'm not at all sure what to make of this slim volume--I heard CC Chapman on a podcast (not his, I think it was an interview w/ Mitch Joel) and I was impressed by his common sense approach to broadening your life's goals and expectations... And what this book feels like is a very slight, increasingly repetitive marketing-speak approach to happiness. I have no doubt that Chapman is an upstanding person--but I wanted more out of this... Sure, I can keep an notebook (I mean, I do have thousands of them), but I think I just felt like so much of what he's saying is the same advice that you get from every single marketing person who has made different choices and built an interesting life from web content. But maybe that's just me--I did, however, very much like his three word approach, and will give that a go. I don't know, the whole book left me kind of flat, maybe I'm just a seagull? Amazing Things Will Happen doesn’t read like a traditional how-to book, because it isn’t a traditional how-to book. C.C. makes no bones about it: amazing things don’t just happen, but they will happen if you work hard and be good to others. Those two ingredients are key – and in the book I felt as if C.C. and I were just sitting around having a beer as he walked me through his path to self-improvement.After C.C. chronicled the early part of his life in the book – laden with lessons throughout – he dives deeper into the subject matter, discussing things like how to be what he calls a “passion hit”, the importance of writing things down (an idea that is not lost on me at all), how to simplify, focus, and attack, along with other pearls of wisdom throughout the book. Amazing Things Will Happen offered me some new things to try and reinforced that I am doing many of the right things already.Again, this book not only can act as a solid reinforcement, but it is put together in such a way that it doesn’t feel clinical or pieced together. C.C. is telling a story – both the one he has lived and the one he wants for hte reader – and it comes across extremely well. I didn’t feel preached to at all; I felt a sense of encouragement instead. Even as Amazing Things Will Happen (the book) wraps up, C.C. sets the reader up with enough motivation to start the next phase of their lives so that that amazing things will happen (the experience) going forward.C.C. Chapman has written both a journal and a guide, and he’s danced that line in deft fashion. Amazing Things Will Happen may not seem to be a book that can change your life, but if you give it a chance it most certainly will.

Do You like book Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide On Achieving Success And Happiness (2012)?

The themes are great, but the writing style isn't my cup of tea. However, still a good book.

Must. stop. buying. books. made. by. bloggers. Forgettable platitudes.

From the heart. Inspiring.

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