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Always In (2014)

Always In (2014)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Always In (2014)

Absolutely loved book one , Giving In and after that cliffhanger I jumped straight into this book. The author didn't disappoint as this book was brilliant. I'm not gonna say anything about the storyline. What I am gonna say is how I felt. As if my heart wasn't hurting enough for Cruz and Harlow the author threw me on that emotional rollercoaster again. I thought that there was more angst in this book- if that's possible. I highly recommend these two books. If your looking for a read that will have your stomach in knots then this is it:) I really wanted to crawl into the pages and beat Harlow with one of her crutches! Cruz deserves better but is a glutton for punishment I guess. Harlow is selfish and uses her injury as an excuse. She has basic cognitive thought, maybe not 100% at remembering but thinking and reasoning works right?I liked this but not as much as the first. I felt the relationship building but the angst between Cruz and Harlow was over the top, too much. The end was a rush of 10 pages. We finally find out what happened to Chad and get the ending some, if not all of us were hoping would happen.

Do You like book Always In (2014)?

I hated Harlow. She was a bitch. I was hoping Cuz would find someone else and forget about her.

So emotional; I need more!

Great story, loved it!!!

3.5 - 4 stars.

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