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Always Beautiful (2000)

Always Beautiful (2000)

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About book Always Beautiful (2000)

Before reading this book, I checked out the reviews and thought I was in for a treat tho I guess I'm the minority because it was just an ok book.. Unusually I wasn't sucked in within the first few pages, tho the cars sounded amazing! Took me a while to read to, and didn't feel the urge to finish the story. Without giving the story away, I really liked Zeppelins journey and struggles he had to overcome. There is one word to describe the way I feel about this book, it's perfect. Lucky is exactly the way that I was at 21. She has her life planned out, she knows what she wants, when she wants it, and what she has to do to get it. Then she meets Zeppelin. Zeppelin is the opposite. He is impulsive, tattooed, and has a secret.The chemistry between these two is just amazing. There is a scene early on in the book during an underground fighting match, that had my heart pounding. Not because of the fighting, although the author did a wonderful job pulling me into the story, but at the way that Lucky and Zeppelin's chemistry oozed out of the pages!I love how this book is written. It starts off present day and flashes back to moments when Lucky and Zeppelin first met, their first date, and the first time they said goodbye. There are times that you think to yourself, "I know what's going to happen." Yet I promise you, it doesn't turn out the way you think it does.M.K. Oien wrote an amazing story here. One full of love, admiration, pain, and determination.When I finished the book (after purposely putting it down so I didn't finish it, I wasn't ready for it to end), I literally just sat there for a few minutes thinking about it. Very rarely does a book bring out so many emotions in me...that's exactly what this one did. Without a doubt, this one gets 5/5 clovers.

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