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Alphablock (2013)

Alphablock (2013)

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4.42 of 5 Votes: 4
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1419709364 (ISBN13: 9781419709364)
Harry N. Abrams

About book Alphablock (2013)

Franceschelli, C. (2013). Alphablock. New York: Abrams Appleseed.2014 ALSC Notable Children's BooksAlphabet This book is a perfect early learner tool for alphabet practice. It features cut out letters on each spread, emphasizing the shape of the letter and adding to the surprise on the next page. The spreads featuring the front of cut out letters set the scene of the the word associated with the letter, then the word is revealed when the the letter page is turned. The images are bright and friendly, but simple. This book would best fit a pre-k or Kindergarten classroom working on the alphabet and letter sounds. Love this hardy alphabet book for little ones. I am so impressed with this book, the cover is thick and slick and each page is hard and slick and it will be able to handle the test of time with little ones flipping through its pages many, many times. Each letter of the alphabet is present in a 4 page layout with the first two pages consisting of showing the letter with a picture on one side and the other side, the letter of the alphabet is cut out and the reader can glimpse what the letter is going to showcase on the next page. For example, G shows a wheelbarrow, shovel, watering can set against a background of an unfinished plot. On page 2, the letter G is cut out and painted turquoise with “is for” written on the letter. Turning the page the next 2 pages of the letter G is a garden planted with the hoe and the watering can placed in the garden and the word GARDEN in capital letters. Bright and colorful pictures adorn this book. H is for hammer, O is for octopus, U is for underwear, and M is for moon which is my favorite page. I enjoyed that the author picked some different items for the alphabet items rather than what are the traditional ones that most everyone uses in these types of books.

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I got this book for Aaliyah but Jasmine insisted on reading it. lol

If you only buy one alphabet book this year ...

D is for Delightful!

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