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Allegra Fairweather (2010)

Allegra Fairweather (2010)

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3.37 of 5 Votes: 5
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Carina Press

About book Allegra Fairweather (2010)

Fun mystery about a paranormal investigator who goes to Scotland to investigate murder and banshees. Allegra isn't doing this by herself though. She has a guardian angel...Casper who is putting in time protecting her so he can go to Heaven. While there she meets Douglas a pub owner who is actually the one who hired her. Douglas seems to want more than just friendship though. Though handsome and hot he's not Casper. It was an okay read for the first 50 pages, then it got a bit better. I actually liked the ending.All in all I had some problems with the book, as the characters took a lot of the happenings too light-hearted (in my opinion) and I couldn't really befriend Allegra. Also, there were too many little characters who confused me a lot.I'm not sure if I'm going to read the second novel in this series...

Do You like book Allegra Fairweather (2010)?

Cute, easy, light reading. I had fun with it, but seriously? Casper? c'mon!

Short sweet paranormal detective with a bit of odd romance.

Good enough to try the 2nd book. A very fast read.

sucked bit wet ones.

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