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All The Wrong People Have Self-Esteem: An Inappropriate Book For Young Ladies* (2008)

All the Wrong People Have Self-Esteem: An Inappropriate Book for Young Ladies* (2008)

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1599902400 (ISBN13: 9781599902401)
Bloomsbury USA Childrens

About book All The Wrong People Have Self-Esteem: An Inappropriate Book For Young Ladies* (2008)

This is a very weird book. It is supposedly written for teenage girls, and certainly, the chaotic, 5 second sound-bite nature of the work might appeal to some of that demographic. Author Rosenwald has illustrated her rants and homilies with collages. In fact, there are times that the reader thinks the only reason for this book is the collages. The text is secondary.A little disappointing. An advice book with some great bits and some funny bits. But then some of the bits I was rather unhappy about. Her message at some points was not the message I would want given to young ladies or for that matter to anyone. However, I really believe that if parents are doing their very best then the young people they are bringing up can make good judgements about what is wise and what is not wise. We all have to do that all the time for all of our lives.

Do You like book All The Wrong People Have Self-Esteem: An Inappropriate Book For Young Ladies* (2008)?

Felt like I was rereading my old journals - style, content, language. Fantastic!

A good mix of collage art and snarky humor with a feminine perspective.

It's so unlike anything else....perfect

More delicious than profiteroles.

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